EDGE-00-000001 - User control of proxy settings must be disabled.

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This action configures the proxy settings for Microsoft Edge.

If this policy is enabled, Microsoft Edge ignores all proxy-related options specified from the command line.

If this policy is not configured, users can choose their own proxy settings.

This policy overrides the following individual policies:
- ProxyMode
- ProxyPacUrl
- ProxyServer
- ProxyBypassList

Setting the ProxySettings policy accepts the following fields:
- ProxyMode, which allows for the proxy server used by Microsoft Edge to be specified and prevents users from changing proxy settings
- ProxyPacUrl, a URL to a proxy .pac file
- ProxyServer, a URL for the proxy server
- ProxyBypassList, a list of proxy hosts that Microsoft Edge bypasses

For ProxyMode, the following values have the noted impact:
- direct, a proxy is never used and all other fields are ignored.
- system, the system's proxy is used and all other fields are ignored.
- auto_detect, all other fields are ignored.
- fixed_server, the ProxyServer and ProxyBypassList fields are used.
- pac_script, the ProxyPacUrl and ProxyBypassList fields are used.


Set the policy value for 'Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Proxy server/ProxySettings' must be set to 'ProxyMode', 'ProxyPacUrl', 'ProxyServer', or 'ProxyBypassList'.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-001414, Rule-ID|SV-235719r626523_rule, STIG-ID|EDGE-00-000001, Vuln-ID|V-235719

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 86cb31b90eb66f3d80962b2f8017dec8a8bfd95ccebd542cb7711be87dc95967