EDGE-00-000044 - The HTTPS warning page must not be able to be bypassed.


Microsoft Edge shows a warning page when users visit sites that have SSL errors.

If this policy is enabled or not configured (default), users can click through these warning pages.

If this policy is disabled, users are blocked from clicking through any warning page.


Set the policy value for 'Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page' to 'disabled'.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-002470, Rule-ID|SV-235757r626523_rule, STIG-ID|EDGE-00-000044, Vuln-ID|V-235757

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: e260e0b7a5dc16ad2ce9e14ad9a51953c38114b7df394f113fb6706969d0ede1