WN19-00-000350 - Windows Server 2019 must not have Simple TCP/IP Services installed.

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This audit has been deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

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Unnecessary services increase the attack surface of a system. Some of these services may not support required levels of authentication or encryption or may provide unauthorized access to the system.


Uninstall the 'Simple TCP/IP Services' feature.

Start 'Server Manager'.

Select the server with the feature.

Scroll down to 'ROLES AND FEATURES' in the right pane.

Select 'Remove Roles and Features' from the drop-down 'TASKS' list.

Select the appropriate server on the 'Server Selection' page and click 'Next'.

Deselect 'Simple TCP/IP Services' on the 'Features' page.

Click 'Next' and 'Remove' as prompted.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000381, Rule-ID|SV-205680r958478_rule, STIG-ID|WN19-00-000350, STIG-Legacy|SV-103473, STIG-Legacy|V-93387, Vuln-ID|V-205680

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 3d0497f38cd9aec488702f81dd2e166d23c20cd6ee9d74fe3b5821a7aa5874e7