WN22-CC-000270 - Windows Server 2022 Application event log size must be configured to 32768 KB or greater.


Inadequate log size will cause the log to fill up quickly. This may prevent audit events from being recorded properly and require frequent attention by administrative personnel.


Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Event Log Service >> Application >> Specify the maximum log file size (KB) to 'Enabled' with a 'Maximum Log Size (KB)' of '32768' or greater.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-001849, Rule-ID|SV-254358r877391_rule, STIG-ID|WN22-CC-000270, Vuln-ID|V-254358

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: a38f41ba3f0babd2e4b0d222eaca74b22e32164ded1c902d0fa39a109e42d594