WN22-00-000200 - Windows Server 2022 accounts must require passwords.

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The lack of password protection enables anyone to gain access to the information system, which opens a backdoor opportunity for intruders to compromise the system as well as other resources. Accounts on a system must require passwords.


Configure all enabled accounts to require passwords.

The password required flag can be set by entering the following on a command line: 'Net user [username] /passwordreq:yes', substituting [username] with the name of the user account.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000764, Rule-ID|SV-254257r958482_rule, STIG-ID|WN22-00-000200, Vuln-ID|V-254257

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 0b9cc3eb4f9eca989ef72cf28647d09024447d4c4aa602c5af9ba04f1d0bced1