O121-C2-009300 - The system must protect audit information from any type of unauthorized access.


If audit data were to become compromised, then competent forensic analysis and discovery of the true source of potentially malicious system activity is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. In addition, access to audit records provides information an attacker could potentially use to his or her advantage.

To ensure the veracity of audit data, the information system and/or the application must protect audit information from any and all unauthorized access. This includes read, write, copy, etc.

This requirement can be achieved through multiple methods which will depend upon system architecture and design. Some commonly employed methods include ensuring log files enjoy the proper file system permissions utilizing file system protections and limiting log data location.

Additionally, applications with user interfaces to audit records must not allow for the unfettered manipulation of or access to those records via the application. If the application provides access to the audit data, the application becomes accountable for ensuring that audit information is protected from unauthorized access.

Audit information includes all information (e.g., audit records, audit settings, and audit reports) needed to successfully audit information system activity.


Add controls and modify permissions to protect database audit log data from unauthorized access, whether stored in the database itself or at the OS level.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AU-9, CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000162, Rule-ID|SV-220277r960930_rule, STIG-ID|O121-C2-009300, STIG-Legacy|SV-76143, STIG-Legacy|V-61653, Vuln-ID|V-220277

Plugin: OracleDB

Control ID: 41061cbee9084e53bbd985710e3f62161646f87b4549152ef6718403baaf061a