OL6-00-000009 - The Red Hat Network Service (rhnsd) service must not be running, unless it is being used to query the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network for updates and information - PROCESS_CHECK


Although systems management and patching is extremely important to system security, management by a system outside the enterprise enclave is not desirable for some environments. However, if the system needs to communicate with the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network for updates or information, then the 'rhnsd' daemon can remain on.


This service automatically queries the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network service to determine whether there are any software updates or related information. The 'rhnsd' service can be disabled with the following commands:

# chkconfig rhnsd off
# service rhnsd stop

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-6, CAT|III, CCI|CCI-000382, CSCv6|3.1, Group-ID|V-50693, Rule-ID|SV-64899r1_rule, STIG-ID|OL6-00-000009, Vuln-ID|V-50693

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 266f56345806ab14e20b6b59e945dc91196bbe7a9e8f8458fdfb035d71c5d09b