OL6-00-000248 - The system clock must be synchronized to an authoritative DoD time source.


Synchronizing with an NTP server makes it possible to collate system logs from multiple sources or correlate computer events with real time events. Using a trusted NTP server provided by your organization is recommended.


To specify a remote NTP server for time synchronization, edit the file '/etc/ntp.conf'. Add or correct the following lines, substituting the IP or hostname of a remote NTP server for ntpserver.

server [ntpserver]

This instructs the NTP software to contact that remote server to obtain time data.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-001891, Rule-ID|SV-219563r793820_rule, STIG-ID|OL6-00-000248, STIG-Legacy|SV-65019, STIG-Legacy|V-50813, Vuln-ID|V-219563

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 76066c2735d68bad0d24d0dab3345832fbc622dad4abbfedc04063c081a773cf