OL07-00-010240 - The Oracle Linux operating system must be configured so that passwords are restricted to a 24 hours/1 day minimum lifetime.

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Enforcing a minimum password lifetime helps to prevent repeated password changes to defeat the password reuse or history enforcement requirement. If users are allowed to immediately and continually change their password, the password could be repeatedly changed in a short period of time to defeat the organization's policy regarding password reuse.


Configure non-compliant accounts to enforce a 24 hours/1 day minimum password lifetime:

# chage -m 1 [user]

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000198, Rule-ID|SV-221682r603260_rule, STIG-ID|OL07-00-010240, STIG-Legacy|SV-108207, STIG-Legacy|V-99103, Vuln-ID|V-221682

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 08757402cc4c89b159ef0e73d0e29398f0260e3c913afc707ad487b84bc143ea