DTOO259 - Office - Enable the feature and configure the maximum S/Mime password time setting.


Key Management Server (KMS) was a product that could be integrated with certain versions of Microsoft Exchange Server prior to Exchange 2000 SP2. Users must supply a password to use certificates issued by KMS to sign or decrypt e-mail messages. When Outlook 2007 prompts users for the correct password, they can specify a length of time in minutes for Outlook to cache the password. Users will not be prompted to continually reenter the password during the specified time period.
By default, Outlook remembers KMS passwords for 30 minutes, which users can change to any number of minutes up to 300. The longer the period of time a user specifies, the greater the chance that an unauthorized person can use the user's computer to access sensitive information.


The policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 -> Security -> Cryptography 'S/MIME password settings' will be set to 'Enabled' and Maximum S/MIME password time will be set to 300.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, Rule-ID|SV-19014r2_rule, STIG-ID|DTOO259, Vuln-ID|V-17792

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 265a580b3103e84df5d86c8d270bf734ce1d2fb7fce415b8a70458fd9751a494