RHEL-08-040200 - The root account must be the only account having unrestricted access to the RHEL 8 system.


If an account other than root also has a User Identifier (UID) of '0', it has root authority, giving that account unrestricted access to the entire operating system. Multiple accounts with a UID of '0' afford an opportunity for potential intruders to guess a password for a privileged account.


Change the UID of any account on the system, other than root, that has a UID of '0'.

If the account is associated with system commands or applications, the UID should be changed to one greater than '0' but less than '1000'. Otherwise, assign a UID of greater than '1000' that has not already been assigned.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-6b., CAT|I, CCI|CCI-000366, Rule-ID|SV-230534r1017296_rule, STIG-ID|RHEL-08-040200, Vuln-ID|V-230534

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: a1346368b48157980c62323d855f1bcdac34ab52d59eea0f7b13e45735f56d1f