SLES-12-010390 - The SUSE operating system must display the date and time of the last successful account logon upon logon.


Providing users with feedback on when account accesses last occurred facilitates user recognition and reporting of unauthorized account use.


Configure the SUSE operating system to provide users with feedback on when account accesses last occurred by setting the required configuration options in '/etc/pam.d/login'.

Add the following line to the top of '/etc/pam.d/login':

session required showfailed

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|III, CCI|CCI-000052, Rule-ID|SV-217140r858540_rule, STIG-ID|SLES-12-010390, STIG-Legacy|SV-91831, STIG-Legacy|V-77135, Vuln-ID|V-217140

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 5dcbfc406c15b5964e760fedad5a87223496ab2dd47eea0d525b951a82c7b08a