4.002 - Number of allowed bad-logon attempts does not meet minimum requirements.

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The account lockout feature, when enabled, prevents brute-force password attacks on the system. The higher this value is, the less effective the account lockout feature will be in protecting the local system. The number of bad logon attempts should be reasonably small to minimize the possibility of a successful password attack, while allowing for honest errors made during a normal user logon.


Configure the system to lock out an account after three invalid logon attempts.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AC-7, CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000044, CSCv6|16.7, Rule-ID|SV-28987r1_rule, STIG-ID|4.002, Vuln-ID|V-1097

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 22fe5aca553b4235691dac639b89c62fbef3333ccd98a9a8853564215e04961d