3.109 - Users must be required to enter a password to access private keys stored on the computer.

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Configuring this setting so that users must provide a password (distinct from their domain password) every time they use a key makes it more difficult for an attacker to access locally stored user keys, even if the attacker takes control of the user's computers and determines their logon password.


Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Local Policies >> Security Options >> 'System cryptography: Force strong key protection for user keys stored on the computer' to 'User must enter a password each time they use a key'.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|IA-5(2), CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000186, CSCv6|16.14, Rule-ID|SV-32361r2_rule, STIG-ID|3.109, Vuln-ID|V-4444

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 0e1f31d67fa7a6589528fac1b5f40159750eadb45fe19aa691d32e58d33ca35d