WN12-PK-000001 - The DoD Root CA certificates must be installed in the Trusted Root Store - Root CA 3


To ensure secure DoD websites and DoD-signed code are properly validated, the system must trust the DoD Root Certificate Authorities (CAs). The DoD root certificates will ensure that the trust chain is established for server certificates issued from the DoD CAs.


Install the DoD Root CA certificates:
DoD Root CA 3
DoD Root CA 4
DoD Root CA 5

The InstallRoot tool is available on Cyber Exchange at https://cyber.mil/pki-pke/tools-configuration-files.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000185, CCI|CCI-002440, Rule-ID|SV-225441r819688_rule, STIG-ID|WN12-PK-000001, STIG-Legacy|SV-52961, STIG-Legacy|V-32272, Vuln-ID|V-225441

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 967c9e1aa19a84e66d49be205ca20615c4d4a65b1493b83da1c414bfa2c8ec39