SOL-11.1-090250 - The operating system must verify the correct operation of security functions in accordance with organization-defined conditions and in accordance with organization-defined frequency (if periodic verification).


Security functional testing involves testing the operating system for conformance to the operating system security function specifications, as well as for the underlying security model. The need to verify security functionality applies to all security functions. The conformance criteria state the conditions necessary for the operating system to exhibit the desired security behavior or satisfy a security property. For example, successful login triggers an audit entry.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Install, configure, and run DoD-approved SCAP compliance checking software on a periodic basis. Review the output of the software and document any out-of-compliance issues.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-002696, Rule-ID|SV-219987r854546_rule, STIG-ID|SOL-11.1-090250, STIG-Legacy|SV-60779, STIG-Legacy|V-47907, Vuln-ID|V-219987

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: d9ce649b97e5c806b8c83498599021885959a42fcba83ab25cf0a3d5612157a9