SPLK-CL-000260 - The System Administrator (SA) and Information System Security Officer (ISSO) must configure the retention of the log records based on the defined security plan.


If authorized individuals do not have the ability to modify auditing parameters in response to a changing threat environment, the organization may not be able to respond effectively and important forensic information may be lost.

The organization must define and document log retention requirements for each device and host and then configure Splunk Enterprise to comply with the required retention period.

This requirement enables organizations to extend or limit auditing as necessary to meet organizational requirements. Auditing that is limited to conserve information system resources may be extended to address certain threat situations.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Edit the following file in the Splunk installation folder:

(Note that these files may exist in one of the following folders or its subfolders:


Set frozenTimePeriodInSecs to the defined retention period for each index location.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|III, CCI|CCI-001914, Rule-ID|SV-246917r768746_rule, STIG-ID|SPLK-CL-000260, STIG-Legacy|SV-111335, STIG-Legacy|V-102391, Vuln-ID|V-246917

Plugin: Splunk

Control ID: 70df1a8cab29831c005e385c4e544b8d9394a52eae772ecfba82846e5b887f86