SPLK-CL-000010 - Splunk Enterprise idle session timeout must be set to not exceed 15 minutes.


Automatic session termination after a period of inactivity addresses the potential for a malicious actor to exploit the unattended session. Closing any unattended sessions reduces the attack surface to the application.

Satisfies: SRG-APP-000295-AU-000190, SRG-APP-000389-AU-000180


This configuration is performed on the machine used as a search head, which may be a separate machine in a distributed environment.

If the web.conf file does not exist, copy the file from $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default to the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local directory.

Modify/Add the following lines in the web.conf file:

tools.session.timeout = 15

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-002038, CCI|CCI-002361, Rule-ID|SV-251657r819079_rule, STIG-ID|SPLK-CL-000010, Vuln-ID|V-251657

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 466537c579ef9a13f242f1b0712c0ab0f83b940f1abe143b51fe5fcd1bcc1c52