GEN000380-ESXI5-000043 - The GID assigned to a user must exist

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If a user is assigned the GID of a group not existing on the system, and a group with that GID is subsequently created, the user may have unintended rights to that group.


From the vSphere Client/vCenter, click on the 'Local Users and Groups' tab, then select Groups. Highlight the user, right click the user and select Edit. Select/highlight/assign the user's correct primary GID. Click OK

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|III, CCI|CCI-000366, Group-ID|V-39274, Rule-ID|SV-51090r1_rule, STIG-ID|GEN000380-ESXI5-000043, Vuln-ID|V-39274

Plugin: VMware

Control ID: 3e319f65b0f5384de321ecf6efb2592276f60d80d7529adcd58fe17c81a476dc