SRG-OS-000121-ESXI5 - All accounts on the system must have unique user or account names


A unique user name is the first part of the identification and authentication process. If user names are not unique, there can be no accountability on the system for auditing purposes. Multiple accounts sharing the same name could result in the Denial-of-Service to one or both of the accounts or unauthorized access to files or privileges.


Change user account names, or delete accounts, so each account has a unique name. From the vSphere Client/vCenter: Click on the 'Users and Groups' tab. Click on the 'Users' button. Right click and select 'Add'. Specify the desired User Name, Password, etc and Click 'OK'

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000804, Group-ID|V-39388, Rule-ID|SV-51246r1_rule, STIG-ID|SRG-OS-000121-ESXI5, Vuln-ID|V-39388

Plugin: VMware

Control ID: d70ff999b9962590a3c691c35046b26afa01d5eaae73bdbbd2905d2eac597d5c