ESXI5-VMNET-000011 - All port groups must not be configured to VLAN 4095 except for Virtual Guest Tagging (VGT)

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When a port group is set to VLAN 4095, this activates VGT mode. In this mode, the vSwitch passes all network frames to the guest VM without modifying the VLAN tags, leaving it up to the guest to deal with them. VLAN 4095 should be used only if the guest has been specifically configured to manage VLAN tags itself. If VGT is enabled inappropriately, it might cause denial-of-service or allow a guest VM to interact with traffic on an unauthorized VLAN.


As root, log in to the ESXi Shell and run the command to set the value to something other than the VGT 4095 value.
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set --portgroup-name=<name> --vlan-id=<non-default_id_number>
Re-enable Lockdown Mode on the host.

See Also

Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-7, CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000366, Group-ID|V-39368, Rule-ID|SV-51226r1_rule, STIG-ID|ESXI5-VMNET-000011

Plugin: VMware

Control ID: dbacdc955b32a3a9bc32c355d99ac9e27e5aa775a7b2979145c742f98dad9c70