VCENTER-000005 - Privilege re-assignment must be checked after the vCenter Server restarts

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During a restart of vCenter Server, if the user or user group that is assigned Administrator role on the root folder could not be verified as a valid user/group during the restart, the user/group's permission as Administrator will be removed. In its place, vCenter Server defaults the Administrator role to the local Windows administrators group, to act as a new vCenter Server Administrator. This default administrative assignment must be rectified by re-establishing a legitimate vCenter Server account with an Administrator role.


As a Windows Administrator, log in to the vCenter Server and restore a legitimate administrator account per site-specific user/group/role requirements

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000366, Group-ID|V-39545, Rule-ID|SV-51403r2_rule, STIG-ID|VCENTER-000005, Vuln-ID|V-39545

Plugin: VMware

Control ID: 96c158f263f0c3c0e3e441232cfcd590f0611e3c6e7bee98041ac88ee59bb3ae