VCPF-67-000003 - Performance Charts must limit the maximum size of a POST request.


The 'maxPostSize' value is the maximum size in bytes of the POST that will be handled by the container FORM URL parameter parsing. Limiting its size will reduce exposure to a denial-of-service attack.

If 'maxPostSize' is not set, the default value of 2097152 (2MB) is used. Performance Charts is configured in its shipping state to not set a value for 'maxPostSize'.


Navigate to and open /usr/lib/vmware-perfcharts/tc-instance/conf/server.xml.

Navigate to each of the <Connector> nodes.

Remove any configuration for 'maxPostSize'.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000054, Rule-ID|SV-239404r674935_rule, STIG-ID|VCPF-67-000003, Vuln-ID|V-239404

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: b8889f5eecaf24a23cfa3942801d784a0d0dac64666f8e4c1427aa9eef3bd1bd