VCPF-67-000012 - Performance Charts must have mappings set for Java servlet pages.


Resource mapping is the process of tying a particular file type to a process in the web server that can serve that type of file to a requesting client and to identify which file types are not to be delivered to a client.

By not specifying which files can and cannot be served to a user, the web server could deliver to a user web server configuration files, log files, password files, etc.

Because Tomcat is a Java-based web server, the main file extension used is *.jsp. This check ensures that the *.jsp and *.jspx file types have been properly mapped to servlets.


Navigate to and open /usr/lib/vmware-perfcharts/tc-instance/conf/web.xml.

Inside the <web-app> parent node, add the following:


See Also

Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-7a., CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000381, Rule-ID|SV-239413r879587_rule, STIG-ID|VCPF-67-000012, Vuln-ID|V-239413

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: f0a92f54eb11d5c801e5f1989f16250c1b286a820447af711608174c99a78f65