VCRP-67-000002 - The rhttpproxy must set a limit on established connections.


The rhttpproxy client connections must be limited to preserve system resources and continue servicing connections without interruption. Without a limit set, the system would be vulnerable to a trivial denial-of-service attack where connections are created en masse and vCenter resources are entirely consumed. The rhttproxy comes configured with a tested and supported value that must be maintained.


Navigate to and open /etc/vmware-rhttpproxy/config.xml.

Locate the <config>/<vmacore>/<http> block and configure <maxConnections> as follows:

<maxConnections> 2048 </maxConnections>

Restart the service for changes to take effect.

# vmon-cli --restart rhttpproxy

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000054, Rule-ID|SV-240717r679664_rule, STIG-ID|VCRP-67-000002, Vuln-ID|V-240717

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 49335822b1e0281dd33523982362298d02c40b2d17fa7d4c07495ada1854695a