VCST-67-000016 - The Security Token Service must not have any symbolic links in the web content directory tree.


A web server is designed to deliver content and execute scripts or applications on the request of a client or user. Containing user requests to files in the directory tree of the hosted web application and limiting the execution of scripts and applications guarantees that the user is not accessing information protected outside the application's realm.

By checking that no symbolic links exist in the document root, the web server is protected from users jumping outside the hosted application directory tree and gaining access to the other directories, including the system root.


Connect to the PSC, whether external or embedded.

At the command prompt, execute the following commands:

Note: Replace <file_name> for the name of any files that were returned.

# unlink <file_name>

Repeat the commands for each file that was returned.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000381, Rule-ID|SV-239667r816726_rule, STIG-ID|VCST-67-000016, Vuln-ID|V-239667

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: a8c4d457d571372e923b0d2af1d087b1e0508c31714d9c4532f0e0ca74e2771a