ESXI-70-000070 - The ESXi host must not provide root/administrator-level access to Common Information Model (CIM)-based hardware monitoring tools or other third-party applications.


The CIM system provides an interface that enables hardware-level management from remote applications via a set of standard application programming interfaces (APIs).

In environments that implement CIM hardware monitoring, create a limited-privilege, read-only service account for CIM and place this user in the Exception Users list. When CIM write access is required, create a new role with only the 'Host.CIM.Interaction' permission and apply that role to the CIM service account.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


If write access is required, create a new role for the CIM service account:

From the Host Client, go to Manage >> Security & Users.

Select 'Roles' and click 'Add role'.

Provide a name for the new role and select Host >> Cim >> Ciminteraction and click 'Add'.

Add a CIM service account:

From the Host Client, go to Manage >> Security & Users.

Select 'Users' and click 'Add user'.

Provide a name, description, and password for the new user and click 'Add'.

Assign the CIM service account permissions to the host with the new role:

From the Host Client, select the ESXi host, right-click, and go to 'Permissions'.

Click 'Add User', select the CIM service account from the drop-down list, and select either 'Read-only' or the role just created. Click 'Add User'.

See Also

Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-6b., CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000366, Rule-ID|SV-256427r886062_rule, STIG-ID|ESXI-70-000070, Vuln-ID|V-256427

Plugin: VMware

Control ID: 3528055b9d9a0fd2e4d61514b75bb251f54b00369b7544966eda7a9c61fdd70a