VCSA-70-000057 - vCenter Server plugins must be verified.

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The vCenter Server includes a vSphere Client extensibility framework, which provides the ability to extend the vSphere Client with menu selections or toolbar icons that provide access to vCenter Server add-on components or external, web-based functionality.

vSphere Client plugins or extensions run at the same privilege level as the user. Malicious extensions might masquerade as useful add-ons while compromising the system by stealing credentials or incorrectly configuring the system.

Additionally, vCenter comes with a number of plugins preinstalled that may or may not be necessary for proper operation.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


From the vSphere Client, go to Administration >> Solutions >> Client Plug-Ins, click the radio button next to the unknown plug-in, and click 'Disable'.

If the plugin will not be needed in the future, proceed to uninstall the plug-in.

To uninstall plug-ins, do the following:

If vCenter Server is in linked mode, perform this procedure on the vCenter Server that is used to install the plug-in initially and then restart the vCenter Server services on the linked vCenter Server:

In a web browser, navigate to 'http://vCenter_Server_name_or_IP/mob', where 'vCenter_Server_name_or_IP/mob' is the name of the vCenter Server or its IP address.

Click 'Content'.

Click 'ExtensionManager'.

Select and copy the name of the plug-in to be removed from the list of values under 'Properties'.

Click 'UnregisterExtension'. A new window appears.

Paste the name of the plug-in and click 'Invoke Method'. This removes the plug-in.

Close the window.

Refresh the Managed Object Type:ManagedObjectReference:ExtensionManager window to verify the plug-in is removed successfully.

Note: If the plug-in still appears, restart the vSphere Client.

Note: The Managed Object Browser (MOB) may have to be enabled temporarily if it was disabled previously.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000381, Rule-ID|SV-256322r885577_rule, STIG-ID|VCSA-70-000057, Vuln-ID|V-256322

Plugin: VMware

Control ID: 6de93383839e5a761b5180b2126ab493ec4e0f8eda276d1cdd5f246194fe9a98