WNDF-AV-000028 - Windows Defender AV spyware definition age must not exceed 7 days.

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This policy setting allows you to define the number of days that must pass before spyware definitions are considered out of date. If definitions are determined to be out of date this state may trigger several additional actions including falling back to an alternative update source or displaying a warning icon in the user interface. By default this value is set to 14 days. If you enable this setting spyware definitions will be considered out of date after the number of days specified have passed without an update. If you disable or do not configure this setting spyware definitions will be considered out of date after the default number of days have passed without an update.

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Defender Antivirus -> Signature Updates -> 'Define the number of days before spyware definitions are considered out of date' to 'Enabled' and select '7' or less in the drop down box.

Do not select a value of 0. This disables the option.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|SI-3, CAT|I, CCI|CCI-001240, Rule-ID|SV-89921r3_rule, STIG-ID|WNDF-AV-000028, Vuln-ID|V-75241

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 7afbdf820ae3f00afe03ee555aa161033b43cf79a46f4433503d81082cde4a04