ZEBR-10-000300 - Zebra Android 10 must be configured to enable a screen-lock policy that will lock the display after a period of inactivity.

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The screen-lock timeout helps protect the device from unauthorized access. Devices without a screen-lock timeout provide an opportunity for adversaries who gain physical access to the mobile device through loss, theft, etc. Such devices are much more likely to be in an unlocked state when acquired by an adversary, thus granting immediate access to the data on the mobile device and possibly access to DoD networks.



Configure the Zebra Android 10 device to enable a screen-lock policy that will lock the display after a period of inactivity.

On the MDM console:
1. Open password requirements.
2. Open device password section.
3. Set 'Max time to screen lock' to any number desired. Units are in seconds.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000057, Rule-ID|SV-242508r714369_rule, STIG-ID|ZEBR-10-000300, Vuln-ID|V-242508

Plugin: MDM

Control ID: 0cb9e0a0d04d145750f527672985b029bae8ae3624cd97da5492da5ce2145af7