ZEBR-10-009000 - Zebra Android 10 must have the DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates installed.


DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates are used to verify the authenticity of PKI certificates of users and web services. If the root and intermediate certificates are not available, an adversary could falsely sign a certificate in such a way that it could not be detected. Providing access to the DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates greatly diminishes the risk of this attack.


NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Configure the Zebra Android 10 device to install DoD root and intermediate certificates.

On the MDM console, upload DoD root and intermediate certificates as part of a device and/or work profile.

The current DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates may be obtained in self-extracting zip files from http://cyber.mil/pki-pke (for NIPRNet).

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000366, Rule-ID|SV-242555r714510_rule, STIG-ID|ZEBR-10-009000, Vuln-ID|V-242555

Plugin: MDM

Control ID: d1dfb4d93c6f95cb91f5d0fcfb169469b07e9d1d04fba8e63d391dc44f443ca7