Media sharing _MUST_ be disabled.
When Media Sharing is enabled, the computer starts a network listening service that shares the contents of the user's music collection with other users in the same subnet.
The information system _MUST_ be configured to provide only essential capabilities. Disabling Media Sharing helps prevent the unauthorized connection of devices and the unauthorized transfer of information. Disabling Media Sharing mitigates this risk.
The check and fix are for the currently logged in user. To get the currently logged in user, run the following.
CURRENT_USER=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
/usr/bin/sudo -u "$CURRENT_USER" /usr/bin/defaults write public-sharing-enabled -int 0
/usr/bin/sudo -u "$CURRENT_USER" /usr/bin/defaults write home-sharing-enabled -int 0
/usr/bin/pkill -9 AMPLibraryAgent
/usr/bin/pkill -9 mediasharingd