4.1 - Domain Home File and Subdirectory Permissions - Directories


Ensure that the permissions of the files and subdirectories contained in the Domain Home directory are set to 700 for subdirectories and executable files and 600 for non-executable files.

If the files and subdirectories in this directory are not set with the proper permissions, malicious users may gain sensitive information about the system.


Use the chmod command to set the appropriate permissions for these files and subdirectories. By default, the Oracle installation program places all files and the domain files in a single directory tree, with the domain home directory usually named Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/domain_name.

Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-6

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: d109e1888cb5d234a801f160e7e4b31c008a2a07257f05f9f4d7751ebf5d0f27