3.21 - FIPS Compliant cryptographic Module should be used - PRE_CLASSPATH


Enable the WebLogic Server to use a FIPS-compliant (FIPS 140-2) cryptographic module.

Failing to enable FIPS-compliant cryptographic modules could result in use of invalidated modules lacking compliance with FIPS 140-2, which may not be able to securely handle sensitive information.


1. Login to the Linux machine running the WebLogic Server software.
2. Open a terminal window.
3. Navigate to the domain home (e.g. cd /home/ows/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/domain1).
4. Navigate to the bin directory (e.g. cd /home/ows/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/domain1/bin).
5. Backup a version of the script 'setDomainEnv.sh'.
6. Make the edits in steps 7 & 8 to 'setDomainEnv.sh':
7. Within the double quotes, add the parameter '-Dweblogic.security.SSL.nojce=true' (without single quotes) to the line: JAVA_PROPERTIES='-Dplatform.home=${WL_HOME}... '
8. Directly under the line '# ADD EXTENSIONS TO CLASSPATHS', enter the following line exactly as written: PRE_CLASSPATH='${WL_HOME}/server/lib/jsafeFIPS.jar'
9. Save the file.
10. Restart the server for the changes to take place

Item Details


References: 800-53|SC-13

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 37d0b4d90bda87001f41d8e9258fa2c03b23c20774e8065cf8ad26998182437f