First Hop Security - Source Guard - Admin Status


The Source Guard administrative status. The Source Guard validates the source of IPv4 and IPv6 traffic sing the source information secured by IP Inspect feature. The status can be:
- Disable
- Enable Both IPv4 and IPv6

The default is Enable Both IPv4 and IPv6.


Log into the Cisco APIC Web Console:
Navigate to 'Tenants'

Repeat the following for all tenants:

- Double click the tenant

- Expand the tenant

- Expand 'Policies'

- Expand 'Protocol'

- Expand 'First Hop Secuirty'

- Expand 'Feature Policies'

- For each policy, in the 'Source Guard' section, ensure 'Admin Status' is set to 'Enable Both IPv4 and IPv6'

Item Details

Audit Name: Tenable Cisco ACI


References: 800-53|CM-6b.

Plugin: Cisco_ACI

Control ID: e0fd641510e04cc1942830cac0c950285b48b1b7a608e08aa15c6088ae1bca0d