Ensure 'Protection From Zone Elevation' is set to Enabled - mse7.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Mime Sniffing Safety Feature' is set to Enabled - excel.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Mime Sniffing Safety Feature' is set to Enabled - exprwd.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Mime Sniffing Safety Feature' is set to Enabled - onent.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Mime Sniffing Safety Feature' is set to Enabled - visio.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Mime Sniffing Safety Feature' is set to Enabled - winproj.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Information Bar' is set to Enabled - excel.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Information Bar' is set to Enabled - winproj.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Bind to Object' is set to Enabled - exprwd.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Bind to Object' is set to Enabled - msaccess.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Bind to Object' is set to Enabled - mspub.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Bind to Object' is set to Enabled - visio.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Bind to Object' is set to Enabled - winproj.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Object Caching Protection' is set to Enabled - mse7.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Object Caching Protection' is set to Enabled - mspub.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Object Caching Protection' is set to Enabled - onent.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Object Caching Protection' is set to Enabled - outlook.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Object Caching Protection' is set to Enabled - spDesign.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Consistent Mime Handling' is set to Enabled - outlook.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Consistent Mime Handling' is set to Enabled - powerpnt.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Consistent Mime Handling' is set to Enabled - spDesign.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Consistent Mime Handling' is set to Enabled - winproj.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Add-on Management' is set to Enabled - mspub.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Add-on Management' is set to Enabled - powerpnt.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Add-on Management' is set to Enabled - spDesign.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Navigate URL' is set to Enabled - mspub.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Navigate URL' is set to Enabled - visio.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Restrict ActiveX Install' is set to Enabled - mspub.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | Ensure 'Restrict ActiveX Install' is set to Enabled - pptview.exe | CIS Microsoft Office 2016 v1.1.0 | Windows | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
2.4 Configure TCP Wrappers - Allow localhost. | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
2.4 Configure TCP Wrappers - Deny access to this server from all networks | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
2.4 Configure TCP Wrappers - enable tcp_wrappers for inetd | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | |
2.4 Configure TCP Wrappers - enable tcp_wrappers for rpc/bind. Note: This check is recommended by CIS, but not required. | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
2.4 Configure TCP Wrappers - Make sure that /etc/hosts.allow does exist. | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
3.3 Enable Stack Protection - Makes sure 'noexec_user_stack' is set to 1 in /etc/system. Note: Only applicable if NX bit is set. | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
4.3 Enable Debug Level Daemon Logging/4.4 Capture syslog AUTH Messages - Check if svc:/system/system-log is online | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
6.9 Harden host operating system | CIS Sybase 15.0 L1 DB v1.1.0 | SybaseDB | |
7.2 Set Password Expiration Parameters on Active Accounts - Check MINWEEKS is set to 1 | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.2 Set Password Expiration Parameters on Active Accounts - Check WARNWEEKS is set to 4 | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - Check DICTIONLIST is set to /usr/share/lib/dict/words | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - Check MINUPPER is set to 1 | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - Check PASSLENGTH is set to 8 | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - WHITESPACE is set to YES | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.6 Set Default umask for Users - Check if 'umask' is set to 077 - Check /etc/profile. | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
7.6 Set Default umask for Users, Check if 'UMASK' is set to 077. | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
7.7 Set Default umask for FTP Users - Check if 'defumask' is set to 077. | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
8.2 Create Warning Banner for CDE Users - CDE package was not found | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
8.2 Create Warning Banner for CDE Users - Check if 'Dtlogin*greeting.labelString' is set appropriately. | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL | (L1) Ensure 'Turn on Microsoft Defender Application Guard in Managed Mode' is set to 'Enabled: 1' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY | (L1) Ensure 'Turn on Microsoft Defender Application Guard in Managed Mode' is set to 'Enabled: 1' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |