AIOS-02-080017 - Apple iOS must implement the management setting: Encrypt iTunes backups. | AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS 10 v1r3 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AIOS-02-090103 - Apple iOS device must have the latest available iOS operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS 10 v1r3 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AIOS-14-999999 - All Apple iOS/iPadOS 14 installations must be removed. | AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 14 v1r3 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AIOS-15-011200 - iPhone and iPad must have the latest available iOS/iPadOS operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 14 v1r4 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AIOS-17-010400 - Apple iOS/iPadOS 17 must require a valid password be successfully entered before the mobile device data is unencrypted. | MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 17 v2r1 | MDM | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
AMLS-L2-000170 - The Arista MLS L2S must be using a version supported by the vendor. | DISA STIG Arista MLS DCS-7000 Series L2S v1r3 | Arista | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AMLS-L3-000330 - The Arista MLS RTR must be using a version supported by the vendor. | DISA STIG Arista MLS DCS-7000 Series RTR v1r4 | Arista | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AMLS-NM-000450 - The Arista MLS NDM must be using a version supported by the vendor. | DISA STIG Arista MLS DCS-7000 Series NDM v1r4 | Arista | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
AOSX-15-100001 - The macOS system must be a supported release. | DISA STIG Apple Mac OSX 10.15 v1r10 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-11-100001 - The macOS system must be a supported release. | DISA STIG Apple macOS 11 v1r8 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
APPL-12-004021 - The macOS system must be configured with the sudoers file configured to authenticate users on a per -tty basis. | DISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r9 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
CD12-00-008300 - PostgreSQL must protect the confidentiality and integrity of all information at rest. | DISA STIG Crunchy Data PostgreSQL DB v3r1 | PostgreSQLDB | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
CNTR-K8-002000 - The Kubernetes API server must have the ValidatingAdmissionWebhook enabled. | DISA STIG Kubernetes v2r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
CNTR-K8-002011 - Kubernetes must have a Pod Security Admission control file configured. | DISA STIG Kubernetes v2r2 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
EPAS-00-000800 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must enforce approved authorizations for logical access to information and system resources in accordance with applicable access control policies. | EnterpriseDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server OS Linux v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
FGFW-ND-000170 - The FortiGate device must be running an operating system release that is currently supported by the vendor. | DISA Fortigate Firewall NDM STIG v1r4 | FortiGate | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
FGFW-ND-000255 - The FortiGate device must use FIPS 140-2 approved algorithms for authentication to a cryptographic module. | DISA Fortigate Firewall NDM STIG v1r4 | FortiGate | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
FGFW-ND-000275 - The FortiGate device must terminate idle sessions after 10 minutes of inactivity. | DISA Fortigate Firewall NDM STIG v1r4 | FortiGate | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
FNFG-FW-000005 - The FortiGate firewall must use filters that use packet headers and packet attributes, including source and destination IP addresses and ports. | DISA Fortigate Firewall STIG v1r3 | FortiGate | ACCESS CONTROL |
GOOG-09-999999 - All Google Android 9 installations must be removed. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 9.x v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-010800 - Google Android 11 devices must have the latest available Google Android 11 operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 11 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-010800 - Google Android 11 devices must have the latest available Google Android 11 operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-011-999999 - All Google Android 11 installations must be removed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-010800 - Android 12 devices must have the latest available Google Android 12 operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 12 COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-999999 - All Google Android 12 installations must be removed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 12 COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-999999 - All Google Android 12 installations must be removed. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 12 COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-010800 - Android 13 devices must have the latest available Google Android 13 operating system installed. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 13 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-710800 - Android 13 devices must have the latest available Google Android 13 operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 BYOD v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
HONW-09-008400 - On all Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices, cryptography must be configured to be in FIPS 140-2 validated mode. | MobileIron - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
HONW-09-010900 - Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices must have a NIAP validated Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
MADB-10-004300 - MariaDB must obscure feedback of authentication information during the authentication process to protect the information from possible exploitation/use by unauthorized individuals. | DISA MariaDB Enterprise 10.x v2r2 DB | MySQLDB | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
MADB-10-005200 - MariaDB must protect the confidentiality and integrity of all information at rest. | DISA MariaDB Enterprise 10.x v2r2 DB | MySQLDB | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
MD7X-00-008300 MongoDB must use NSA-approved cryptography to protect classified information in accordance with the data owner's requirements. | DISA MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 7.x STIG v1r1 | MongoDB | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
MSFT-11-010800 - Microsoft Android 11 devices must have the latest available Microsoft Android 11 operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Microsoft Android 11 COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
MSFT-11-999999 - All Microsoft Android 11 installations must be removed. | AirWatch - DISA Microsoft Android 11 COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
MSFT-11-999999 - All Microsoft Android 11 installations must be removed. | MobileIron - DISA Microsoft Android 11 COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
MYS8-00-005300 - The MySQL Database Server 8.0 must obscure feedback of authentication information during the authentication process to protect the information from possible exploitation/use by unauthorized individuals. | DISA Oracle MySQL 8.0 v2r2 DB | MySQLDB | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
MYS8-00-006200 - The MySQL Database Server 8.0 must use NIST FIPS 140-2 or 140-3 validated cryptographic modules for cryptographic operations. | DISA Oracle MySQL 8.0 v2r2 DB | MySQLDB | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
PGS9-00-012900 - PostgreSQL products must be a version supported by the vendor. | DISA STIG PostgreSQL 9.x on RHEL OS v2r5 | Unix | SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
PPS9-00-013300 - EDB Postgres Advanced Server products must be a version supported by the vendor. | EDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server OS Linux Audit v2r3 | Unix | SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
SLES-15-020181 - The SUSE operating system must not have accounts configured with blank or null passwords. | DISA SLES 15 STIG v2r2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
SPLK-CL-000430 - Splunk Enterprise must use TLS 1.2 and SHA-2 or higher cryptographic algorithms. | DISA STIG Splunk Enterprise 8.x for Linux v2r1 STIG OS | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
SYMP-AG-000070 - Symantec ProxySG must restrict or block harmful or suspicious communications traffic by controlling the flow of information between interconnected networks based on attribute- and content-based inspection of the source, destination, headers, and/or content of the communications traffic - Web Access | DISA Symantec ProxySG Benchmark ALG v1r3 | BlueCoat | ACCESS CONTROL |
SYMP-AG-000320 - Symantec ProxySG must uniquely identify and authenticate organizational users (or processes acting on behalf of organizational users) - Domain Exists | DISA Symantec ProxySG Benchmark ALG v1r3 | BlueCoat | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
SYMP-AG-000490 - Symantec ProxySG must use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to protect the authenticity of communications sessions. | DISA Symantec ProxySG Benchmark ALG v1r3 | BlueCoat | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
SYMP-NM-000020 - Symantec ProxySG must be configured to enforce user authorization to implement least privilege. | DISA Symantec ProxySG Benchmark NDM v1r2 | BlueCoat | ACCESS CONTROL |
SYMP-NM-000280 - Symantec ProxySG must be configured to use only FIPS 140-2 approved algorithms for authentication to a cryptographic module with any application or protocol. | DISA Symantec ProxySG Benchmark NDM v1r2 | BlueCoat | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
UBTU-20-010406 - The Ubuntu operating system must not have the rsh-server package installed. | DISA STIG Ubuntu 20.04 LTS v2r1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
UBTU-20-010463 - The Ubuntu operating system must not allow accounts configured with blank or null passwords. | DISA STIG Ubuntu 20.04 LTS v2r1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
ZEBR-11-010800 - Zebra Android 11 devices must have the latest available Zebra Android 11 operating system installed. | MobileIron - DISA Zebra Android 11 COBO v1r3 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |