GOOG-09-999999 - All Google Android 9 installations must be removed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 9.x v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-000200 - Google Android 11 must be configured to not allow passwords that include more than two repeating or sequential characters - Alphanumeric | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-000200 - Google Android 11 must be configured to not allow passwords that include more than two repeating or sequential characters - Numbers | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-008800 - Google Android 11 must be configured to enforce that Wi-Fi Sharing is disabled. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-009000 - Google Android 11 must have the DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates installed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-009200 - The Google Android 11 Work Profile must be configured to prevent users from adding personal email accounts to the work email app. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-009800 - Google Android 11 work profile must be configured to disable automatic completion of workspace internet browser text input. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-010000 - Google Android 11 Work Profile must be configured to disable the autofill services. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 11 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-010000 - Google Android 11 Work Profile must be configured to disable the autofill services. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-010000 - Google Android 11 Work Profile must be configured to disable the autofill services. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-11-010800 - Google Android 11 devices must have the latest available Google Android 11 operating system installed. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-011-999999 - All Google Android 11 installations must be removed. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-006100 - Google Android 12 must be configured to not allow passwords that include more than two repeating or sequential characters - Alphanumeric | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 12 COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-006500 - Google Android 12 must be configured to enforce an application installation policy by specifying one or more authorized application repositories, including [selection: DoD-approved commercial app repository, MDM server, mobile application store]. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 12 COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-006500 - Google Android 12 must be configured to enforce an application installation policy by specifying one or more authorized application repositories, including [selection: DoD-approved commercial app repository, MDM server, mobile application store]. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 12 COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-009800 - Google Android 12 users must complete required training. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 12 COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-010000 - Google Android 12 must have the DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates installed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 12 COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-010400 - Google Android 12 work profile must be configured to disable automatic completion of work space Internet browser text input. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 12 COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-010600 - Google Android 12 must be configured to disallow configuration of date and time. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 12 COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-010800 - Android 12 devices must have the latest available Google Android 12 operating system installed. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 12 COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-12-010900 - Android 12 devices must be configured to disable the use of third-party keyboards. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 12 COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-006100 - Google Android 13 must be configured to not allow passwords that include more than four repeating or sequential characters - Characters | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-006500 - Google Android 13 must be configured to enforce an application installation policy by specifying one or more authorized application repositories, including [selection: DOD-approved commercial app repository, MDM server, mobile application store]. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-006700 - Google Android 13 allowlist must be configured to not include applications with the following characteristics: | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 13 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-009800 - Google Android 13 users must complete required training. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-009900 - Google Android 13 must be configured to enforce that Wi-Fi Sharing is disabled. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-010800 - Android 13 devices must have the latest available Google Android 13 operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-706500 - Google Android 13 must be configured to enforce an application installation policy by specifying one or more authorized application repositories. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 BYOD v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-710200 - The Google Android 13 work profile must be configured to enforce the system application disable list (work profile only). | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 BYOD v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-710400 - The Google Android 13 work profile must be configured to disable automatic completion of workspace internet browser text input. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 BYOD v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-13-710900 - Android 13 devices must be configured to disable the use of third-party keyboards (work profile only). | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 BYOD v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-009800 - Google Android 14 users must complete required training. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 14 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-009900 - Google Android 14 must be configured to enforce that Wi-Fi Sharing is disabled. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 14 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-009900 - Google Android 14 must be configured to enforce that Wi-Fi Sharing is disabled. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 14 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-010000 - Google Android 14 must have the DOD root and intermediate PKI certificates installed. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 14 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-010100 - The Google Android 14 work profile must be configured to prevent users from adding personal email accounts to the work email app. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 14 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-010200 - The Google Android 14 work profile must be configured to enforce the system application disable list. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 14 COBO v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-010300 - Google Android 14 must be provisioned as a fully managed device and configured to create a work profile. | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 14 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-010600 - Google Android 14 must be configured to disallow configuration of date and time. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 14 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-010800 - Android 14 devices must have the latest available Google Android 14 operating system installed. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 14 COPE v2r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-706700 - Google Android 14 allowlist must be configured to not include applications with the following characteristics (work profile only): | MobileIron - DISA Google Android 14 BYOAD v1r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-710200 - The Google Android 14 work profile must be configured to enforce the system application disable list (work profile only) - work profile only. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 14 BYOAD v1r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-710400 - The Google Android 14 work profile must be configured to disable automatic completion of workspace internet browser text input. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 14 BYOAD v1r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GOOG-14-710500 - The Google Android 14 work profile must be configured to disable the autofill services. | AirWatch - DISA Google Android 14 BYOAD v1r1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
HONW-09-008400 - On all Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices, cryptography must be configured to be in FIPS 140-2 validated mode. | AirWatch - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
HONW-09-008700 - Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices users must complete required training. | AirWatch - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
HONW-09-009000 - Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices must have the DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates installed. | AirWatch - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
HONW-09-009000 - Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices must have the DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates installed. | MobileIron - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COBO v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
HONW-09-010200 - Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices must be configured to disallow configuration of date and time. | AirWatch - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
HONW-09-999999 - All Honeywell Android 9 installations must be removed. | AirWatch - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COPE v1r2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |