1.1.13 Disable Automounting | CIS Google Container-Optimized OS v1.2.0 L1 Server | Unix | MEDIA PROTECTION, SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
1.1.21 Disable Automounting | CIS Debian 8 Workstation L2 v2.0.2 | Unix | MEDIA PROTECTION, SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
1.1.21 Disable Automounting | CIS Debian 8 Server L1 v2.0.2 | Unix | MEDIA PROTECTION, SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
1.1.27 Disable Automounting | CIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L1 Server | Unix | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 BitLocker (BL) | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 BitLocker (BL) | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 BitLocker (BL) | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 BitLocker (BL) | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L2 Bitlocker | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L1 Bitlocker | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L1 Bitlocker | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Choose how BitLocker-protected removable drives can be recovered' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L2 BL NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Choose how BitLocker-protected removable drives can be recovered: Recovery Key' is set to 'Enabled: Do not allow 256-bit recovery key' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 BL NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Choose how BitLocker-protected removable drives can be recovered: Save BitLocker recovery information to AD DS for removable data drives' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 BL NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Choose how BitLocker-protected removable drives can be recovered: Save BitLocker recovery information to AD DS for removable data drives' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L2 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Choose how BitLocker-protected removable drives can be recovered: Configure storage of BitLocker recovery information to AD DS:' is set to 'Enabled: Backup recovery passwords and key packages' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L2 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L2 BL NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L2 + BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone v3.0.0 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 BL NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL + NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L2 + BL + NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 L2 + BitLocker | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L2 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 EMS Gateway v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L2 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL + NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L2 + BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 BL NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L2 + BL + NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 L2 + BitLocker | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone v3.0.0 BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (BL) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L2 BL NG | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker: Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization' is set to 'Enabled: False' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 EMS Gateway v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Scan packed executables' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 v3.0.0 L1 Domain Controller | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION, SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY | (L1) Ensure 'Scan removable drives' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 MS | Windows | MEDIA PROTECTION, SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |