Item Search

NameAudit NamePluginCategory
1.1.4 Set 'login authentication for 'line con 0'CIS Cisco IOS 15 L1 v4.1.1Cisco


DISA_STIG_Apache_Server-2.2_Unix_v1r11_Middleware.audit from DISA Apache 2.2 Unix STIG v1r11DISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 MiddlewareUnix
DISA_STIG_Apache_Site-2.2_Unix_v1r11_Middleware.audit from DISA Apache 2.2 Unix STIG v1r11DISA STIG Apache Site 2.2 Unix v1r11 MiddlewareUnix
DISA_STIG_BIND_9_v2r3.audit from DISA BIND 9.x v2r3 STIGDISA BIND 9.x STIG v2r3Unix
DISA_STIG_IBM_DB2_v10.5_LUW_v2r1_OS_Windows.audit from DISA IBM DB2 V10.5 LUW v2r1 STIGDISA STIG IBM DB2 v10.5 LUW v2r1 OS WindowsWindows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Access_2010_v1r11.audit from DISA Microsoft Access 2010 v1r11 STIGDISA STIG Office 2010 Access v1r11Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Access_2013_v1r7.audit from DISA Microsoft Access 2013 v1r7 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft Access 2013 v1r7Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Defender_Antivirus_v2r4.audit from DISA Microsoft Defender Antivirus v2r4 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft Defender Antivirus v2r4Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Excel_2013_v1r8.audit from DISA Microsoft Excel 2013 v1r8 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft Excel 2013 v1r8Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Excel_2016_v2r1.audit from DISA Microsoft Excel 2016 v2r1 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft Excel 2016 v2r1Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_InfoPath_2010_v1r12.audit from DISA Microsoft InfoPath 2010 v1r12 STIGDISA STIG Office 2010 InfoPath v1r12Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_InfoPath_2013_v1r6.audit from DISA Microsoft InfoPath 2013 v1r6 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft InfoPath 2013 v1r6Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Lync_2013_v1r5.audit from DISA Microsoft Lync 2013 v1r5 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft Lync 2013 v1r5Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_PowerPoint_2010_v1r11.audit from DISA Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 v1r11 STIGDISA STIG Office 2010 PowerPoint v1r11Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_PowerPoint_2013_v1r7.audit from DISA Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 v1r7 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 v1r7Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Project_2010_v1r10.audit from DISA Microsoft Project 2010 v1r10 STIGDISA STIG Office 2010 Project v1r10Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Project_2013_v1r5.audit from DISA Microsoft Project 2013 v1r5 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft Project 2013 v1r5Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Publisher_2010_v1r12.audit from DISA Microsoft Publisher 2010 v1r12 STIGDISA STIG Office 2010 Publisher v1r12Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Publisher_2013_v1r6.audit from DISA Microsoft Publisher 2013 v1r6 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft Publisher 2013 v1r6Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Visio_2013_v1r5.audit from DISA Microsoft Visio 2013 v1r5 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft Visio 2013 v1r5Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Windows_Server_2022_v2r2.audit from DISA Microsoft Windows Server 2022 v2r2 STIGDISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v2r2Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Word_2010_v1r12.audit from DISA Microsoft Word 2010 v1r12 STIGDISA STIG Office 2010 Word v1r12Windows
DISA_STIG_Microsoft_Word_2013_v1r7.audit from DISA Microsoft Word 2013 v1r7 STIGDISA STIG Microsoft Word 2013 v1r7Windows
DISA_STIG_MS_Windows_Privileged_Access_Workstation_v3r1.audit from DISA Microsoft Windows PAW v3r1 STIGDISA MS Windows Privileged Access Workstation v3r1Windows
DISA_STIG_Oracle_Linux_5_v2r1.audit from DISA Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 STIGDISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1Unix
DISA_STIG_Oracle_Linux_6_v2r7.audit from DISA Oracle Linux 6 v2r7 STIGDISA STIG Oracle Linux 6 v2r7Unix
DISA_STIG_Oracle_Linux_7_v3r1.audit from DISA Oracle Linux 7 v3r1 STIGDISA Oracle Linux 7 STIG v3r1Unix
DISA_STIG_Oracle_Linux_8_v2r2.audit from DISA Oracle Linux 8 v2r2 STIGDISA Oracle Linux 8 STIG v2r2Unix
DISA_STIG_Oracle_WebLogic_Server_12c_Linux_v2r1_Middleware.audit from DISA Oracle WebLogic Server 12c v2r1 STIGOracle WebLogic Server 12c Linux v2r1 MiddlewareUnix
DISA_STIG_PostgreSQL_9-x_on_RHEL_v2r5_OS.audit from DISA PostgreSQL 9.x v2r5 STIGDISA STIG PostgreSQL 9.x on RHEL OS v2r5Unix
DISA_STIG_SharePoint_2013_v2r3.audit from DISA Microsoft SharePoint 2013 v2r3 STIGDISA STIG SharePoint 2013 v2r3Windows
DISA_STIG_Solaris_10_SPARC_v2r4.audit from DISA Solaris 10 SPARC v2r4 STIGDISA STIG Solaris 10 SPARC v2r4Unix
DISA_STIG_Solaris_10_x86_v2r4.audit from DISA Solaris 10 X86 v2r4 STIGDISA STIG Solaris 10 X86 v2r4Unix
DISA_STIG_Solaris_11_v3r1.audit from DISA Solaris 11 X86 v3r1 STIGDISA STIG Solaris 11 X86 v3r1Unix
DISA_STIG_Windows_10_v3r2.audit from DISA Microsoft Windows 10 v3r2 STIGDISA Windows 10 STIG v3r2Windows
DISA_STIG_Windows_11_v2r2.audit from DISA Microsoft Windows 11 v2r2 STIGDISA Windows 11 STIG v2r2Windows
ESXI-06-000063 - All port groups must be configured to a value other than that of the native VLAN.DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.x ESXi v1r5VMware


ESXI-06-000065 - All port groups must not be configured to VLAN values reserved by upstream physical switches.DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.x ESXi v1r5VMware


ESXI-65-000063 - For the ESXi host all port groups must be configured to a value other than that of the native VLAN.DISA STIG VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5 v2r4VMware


ESXI-65-000065 - For the ESXi host all port groups must not be configured to VLAN values reserved by upstream physical switches.DISA STIG VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5 v2r4VMware


ESXI-67-000063 - For the ESXi host, all port groups must be configured to a value other than that of the native VLAN.DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 ESXi v1r3VMware


ESXI-67-000065 - For the ESXi host, all port groups must not be configured to VLAN values reserved by upstream physical switches.DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 ESXi v1r3VMware


ESXI-70-000063 - All port groups on standard switches must be configured to a value other than that of the native virtual local area network (VLAN).DISA STIG VMware vSphere 7.0 ESXi v1r2VMware


ESXI5-VMNET-000010 - All port groups must be configured to a value other than that of the native VLAN.DISA STIG VMWare ESXi Server 5 STIG v2r1VMware


VCSA-70-000272 - The vCenter Server must configure all port groups to a value other than that of the native virtual local area network (VLAN).DISA STIG VMware vSphere 7.0 vCenter v1r3VMware


VCSA-80-000272 The vCenter Server must configure all port groups to a value other than that of the native virtual local area network (VLAN).DISA VMware vSphere 8.0 vCenter STIG v2r1VMware


VCTR-67-000018 - The vCenter Server must configure all port groups to a value other than that of the native VLAN.DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 vCenter v1r4VMware


VCWN-06-000018 - All port groups must be configured to a value other than that of the native VLAN.DISA STIG VMware vSphere vCenter 6.x v1r4VMware


VCWN-65-000018 - The vCenter Server for Windows must configure all port groups to a value other than that of the native VLAN.DISA STIG VMware vSphere vCenter 6.5 v2r3VMware


vNetwork : no-native-vlan-1VMWare vSphere 5.X Hardening GuideVMware