Item Search

NameAudit NamePluginCategory
AIOS-12-003600 - Apple iOS must be configured to display the DoD advisory warning message at start-up or each time the user unlocks the device.MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS 12 v1r2MDM
AIOS-12-008900 - Apple iOS must implement the management setting: remove managed applications upon unenrollment from MDM (including sensitive and protected data).MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS 12 v1r2MDM
AIOS-13-003600 - Apple iOS/iPadOS must be configured to display the DoD advisory warning message at start-up.AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 13 v1r1MDM
AIOS-13-011800 - Apple iOS/iPadOS must implement the management setting: not have any Family Members in Family Sharing.MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 13 v1r1MDM
AIOS-13-012200 - Apple iOS/iPadOS users must complete required training.AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 13 v1r1MDM
AIOS-13-012200 - Apple iOS/iPadOS users must complete required training.MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 13 v1r1MDM
AIOS-13-012600 - Apple iOS/iPadOS must not allow managed apps to write contacts to unmanaged contacts accounts.MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 13 v1r1MDM
AIOS-13-013100 - Apple iOS/iPadOS must implement the management setting: disable paired Apple Watch.MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 13 v1r1MDM
AIOS-13-013400 - Apple iOS/iPadOS must disable password proximity requests.MobileIron - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 13 v1r1MDM
AIOS-13-013700 - The Apple iOS/iPadOS must be Supervised by the MDM.AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 13 v1r1MDM
AIOS-14-000500 - The mobile operating system must provide the capability for the Administrator (MDM) to perform the following management function: enable/disable VPN protection across the device and [selection: other methods].AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 14 v1r2MDM
AIOS-14-003900 - Apple iOS/iPadOS must not allow backup to remote systems (iCloud Keychain).AirWatch - DISA Apple iOS/iPadOS 14 v1r2MDM
ARST-ND-000810 - The network device must be configured to use an authentication server to authenticate users prior to granting administrative access.DISA STIG Arista MLS EOS 4.2x NDM v2r1Arista


CASA-ND-001310 - The Cisco ASA must be configured to use an authentication server to authenticate users prior to granting administrative access - protocolDISA STIG Cisco ASA NDM v1r1Cisco
CASA-ND-001310 - The Cisco ASA must be configured to use at least two authentication servers to authenticate users prior to granting administrative access - protocolDISA STIG Cisco ASA NDM v2r1Cisco


CASA-ND-001310 - The Cisco ASA must be configured to use at least two authentication servers to authenticate users prior to granting administrative access - radius groupDISA STIG Cisco ASA NDM v2r1Cisco


CASA-ND-001310 - The Cisco ASA must be configured to use at least two authentication servers to authenticate users prior to granting administrative access - serial consoleDISA STIG Cisco ASA NDM v2r1Cisco


CASA-ND-001310 - The Cisco ASA must be configured to use at least two authentication servers to authenticate users prior to granting administrative access - ssh consoleDISA STIG Cisco ASA NDM v2r1Cisco


CISC-ND-001370 - The Cisco switch must be configured to use an authentication server for the purpose of authenticating users prior to granting administrative access - ip http authDISA STIG Cisco IOS XE Switch NDM v1r1Cisco
FGFW-ND-000165 - The FortiGate device must use LDAP for authentication.DISA Fortigate Firewall NDM STIG v1r1FortiGate
FGFW-ND-000165 - The FortiGate device must use LDAP for authentication.DISA Fortigate Firewall NDM STIG v1r3FortiGate
GOOG-09-009100 - Google Android Pie must allow only the administrator (MDM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.AirWatch - DISA Google Android 9.x v1r1MDM
GOOG-10-002300 - Google Android 10 must be configured to disable trust agents. Note: This requirement is not applicable (NA) for specific biometric authentication factors included in the products Common Criteria evaluation - NA for specific biometric authentication factors included in the products Common Criteria evaluation.MobileIron - DISA Google Android 10.x v1r2MDM
GOOG-10-005505 - Google Android 10 must be configured to enable audit logging.AirWatch - DISA Google Android 10.x v1r2MDM
GOOG-10-009100 - Google Android 10 must allow only the administrator (MDM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates - MDM to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.AirWatch - DISA Google Android 10.x v1r2MDM
GOOG-10-009100 - Google Android 10 must allow only the administrator (MDM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates - MDM to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Google Android 10.x v1r2MDM
GOOG-11-005505 - Google Android 11 must be configured to enable audit logging.MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COBO v1r1MDM
GOOG-11-009100 - Google Android 11 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Google Android 11 COPE v1r1MDM
GOOG-12-012100 - Google Android 12 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Google Android 12 COBO v1r1MDM
GOOG-12-012100 - Google Android 12 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Google Android 12 COPE v1r1MDM
GOOG-13-012300 - The Google Android 13 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DOD root and intermediate PKI certificates.AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 COBO v1r1MDM
GOOG-13-012300 - The Google Android 13 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DOD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Google Android 13 COBO v1r1MDM
GOOG-13-012300 - The Google Android 13 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DOD root and intermediate PKI certificates.AirWatch - DISA Google Android 13 COPE v1r1MDM
HONW-09-009100 - The Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie must allow only the administrator (MDM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates - MDM to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COPE v1r1MDM
HONW-09-010400 - Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices must configured to disallow outgoing beam.MobileIron - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COBO v1r1MDM
HONW-09-010400 - Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices must configured to disallow outgoing beam.AirWatch - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COPE v1r1MDM
HONW-09-010400 - Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices must configured to disallow outgoing beam.AirWatch - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COBO v1r1MDM
HONW-09-010400 - Honeywell Mobility Edge Android Pie devices must configured to disallow outgoing beam.MobileIron - DISA Honeywell Android 9.x COPE v1r1MDM
JUEX-NM-000640 - The Juniper EX switch must be configured to use an authentication server for the purpose of authenticating users prior to granting administrative access.DISA Juniper EX Series Network Device Management v1r5Juniper
MOTO-09-010400 - Motorola Android Pie must be configured to disallow outgoing beam.AirWatch - DISA Motorola Android Pie.x COBO v1r1MDM
MOTO-09-010400 - Motorola Android Pie must be configured to disallow outgoing beam.MobileIron - DISA Motorola Android Pie.x COPE v1r1MDM
MOTS-11-009100 - Motorola Solutions Android 11 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates - MDM to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Motorola Solutions Android 11 COBO v1r1MDM
MOTS-11-009100 - Motorola Solutions Android 11 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates - MDM to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Motorola Solutions Android 11 COBO v1r2MDM
MSFT-11-005400 - Microsoft Android 11 must allow the Administrator (EMM) to perform the following management function: Wipe Enterprise data.AirWatch - DISA Microsoft Android 11 COPE v1r1MDM
MSFT-11-005400 - Microsoft Android 11 must allow the Administrator (EMM) to perform the following management function: Wipe Enterprise data.AirWatch - DISA Microsoft Android 11 COBO v1r1MDM
MSFT-11-005400 - Microsoft Android 11 must allow the Administrator (EMM) to perform the following management function: Wipe Enterprise data.MobileIron - DISA Microsoft Android 11 COPE v1r1MDM
MSFT-11-009100 - Microsoft Android 11 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DOD root and intermediate PKI certificates - MDM to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Microsoft Android 11 COBO v1r1MDM
ZEBR-10-009100 - Zebra Android 10 must allow only the administrator (MDM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates - MDM to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.AirWatch - DISA Zebra Android 10 COPE v1r1MDM
ZEBR-10-009100 - Zebra Android 10 must allow only the administrator (MDM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates - MDM to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Zebra Android 10 COPE v1r1MDM
ZEBR-11-009100 - Zebra Android 11 must allow only the administrator (EMM) to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates - MDM to install/remove DoD root and intermediate PKI certificates.MobileIron - DISA Zebra Android 11 COBO v1r2MDM