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NameAudit NamePluginCategory
2.2.1 Ensure 'Access Credential Manager as a trusted caller' is set to 'No One'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.3 Ensure 'Act as part of the operating system' is set to 'No One'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.4 Ensure 'Adjust memory quotas for a process' is set to 'Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.7 Ensure 'Back up files and directories' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.8 Ensure 'Change the system time' is set to 'Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1903) v1.7.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.9 Ensure 'Change the time zone' is set to 'Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE, Users'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.9 Ensure 'Change the time zone' is set to 'Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE, Users'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.11 (L1) Ensure 'Create a token object' is set to 'No One'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1803) v1.5.0 Level 1Windows
2.2.13 Ensure 'Create permanent shared objects' is set to 'No One'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.15 (L1) Ensure 'Debug programs' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1607) v1.2.0 Level 1 BitlockerWindows
2.2.22 (L1) Ensure 'Force shutdown from a remote system' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1803) v1.5.0 Level 1Windows
2.2.22 Ensure 'Force shutdown from a remote system' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.22 Ensure 'Force shutdown from a remote system' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.25 Ensure 'Increase scheduling priority' is set to 'Administrators, Window Manager\Window Manager Group'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1809) v1.6.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.26 Ensure 'Load and unload device drivers' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.30 Ensure 'Manage auditing and security log' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.32 Ensure 'Modify firmware environment values' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.33 Ensure 'Perform volume maintenance tasks' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.34 Ensure 'Profile single process' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1809) v1.6.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.35 Ensure 'Profile system performance' is set to 'Administrators, NT SERVICE\WdiServiceHost'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.38 Ensure 'Shut down the system' is set to 'Administrators, Users'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1809) v1.6.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.38 Ensure 'Shut down the system' is set to 'Administrators, Users'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1903) v1.7.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.39 (L1) Ensure 'Take ownership of files or other objects' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1803) v1.5.0 Level 1Windows
2.2.39 Ensure 'Take ownership of files or other objects' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1809) v1.6.1 L1 + NGWindows
2.2.39 Ensure 'Take ownership of files or other objects' is set to 'Administrators'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'Accounts: Administrator account status' is set to 'Disabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'Devices: Allowed to format and eject removable media' is set to 'Administrators and Interactive Users'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1903) v1.7.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode' is set to 'Prompt for consent on the secure desktop'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows (L1) Ensure 'Behavior of the prompt for admins in Admin Approval Mode' is set to 'Prompt for consent on the secure desktop'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1607) v1.2.0 Level 1 BitlockerWindows Ensure 'User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users' is set to 'Automatically deny elevation requests'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1809) v1.6.1 L1 + NGWindows (L1) Ensure 'User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users' is set to 'Automatically deny elevation requests'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1803) v1.5.0 Level 1Windows Ensure 'User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1809) v1.6.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows (L1) Ensure 'User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1607) v1.2.0 Level 1 BitlockerWindows Ensure 'User Account Control: Only elevate UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1809) v1.6.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'User Account Control: Only elevate UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1809) v1.6.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'User Account Control: Switch to the secure desktop when prompting for elevation' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows (L1) Ensure 'User Account Control: Switch to the secure desktop when prompting for elevation' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1607) v1.2.0 Level 1 BitlockerWindows
9.3.5 Ensure 'Windows Firewall: Public: Settings: Apply local firewall rules' is set to 'No'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1809) v1.6.1 L1 + NGWindows
9.3.5 Ensure 'Windows Firewall: Public: Settings: Apply local firewall rules' is set to 'No'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1903) v1.7.1 L1 + NGWindows
9.3.5 Ensure 'Windows Firewall: Public: Settings: Apply local firewall rules' is set to 'No'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows
17.8.1 (L1) Ensure 'Audit Sensitive Privilege Use' is set to 'Success and Failure'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1803) v1.5.0 Level 1Windows
17.8.1 Ensure 'Audit Sensitive Privilege Use' is set to 'Success and Failure'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1909) v1.8.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'Prohibit installation and configuration of Network Bridge on your DNS domain network' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1903) v1.7.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'Require domain users to elevate when setting a network's location' is set to 'Enabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1903) v1.7.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'Always install with elevated privileges' is set to 'Disabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1903) v1.7.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'Always install with elevated privileges' is set to 'Disabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 2004) v1.9.1 L1 + NGWindows Ensure 'Always install with elevated privileges' is set to 'Disabled'CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (Release 1903) v1.7.1 L1 + NGWindows