Ensure 'Accounts: Guest account status' is set to 'Disabled' (STIG DC & MS only) | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 STIG MS | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION | Ensure 'Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always)' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L1 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Windows Server 2012 R2 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 v3.0.0 L1 Member Server | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + BL + NG | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 v3.0.0 L1 Domain Controller | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Windows Server 2012 R2 DC L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + NG | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 NG | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 STIG DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L1) Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Windows Server 2012 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Windows 7 Workstation Level 1 + Bitlocker v3.2.0 | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION | Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 STIG DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 L1 Domain Controller | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | Ensure 'Network security: LAN Manager authentication level' is set to 'Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 STIG MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
5.017 - The user is allowed to launch Windows Messenger (MSN Messenger, .NET Messenger). | DISA Windows Vista STIG v6r41 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
18.3.5 (L1) Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Azure Compute Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v1.0.0 L1 DC | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.3.9 (L1) Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Member Server Level 1 v3.3.1 | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.4.7 (L1) Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.4.7 (L1) Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Windows Server 2012 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.4.7 (L1) Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Windows Server 2012 R2 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.4.7 (L1) Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.4.7 Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 STIG DC | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.4.7 Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 STIG MS | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.4.8 (L1) Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 v3.0.0 L1 Member Server | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.4.9 (L1) Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 + NG | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
18.4.9 Ensure 'WDigest Authentication' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 L1 Domain Controller | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION | (L2) Ensure 'Enable/Disable PerfTrack' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller Level 2 v3.3.1 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | (L1) Ensure 'Turn off desktop gadgets' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Member Server Level 1 v3.3.1 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | (L2) Ensure 'Enable/Disable PerfTrack' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Windows Server 2012 MS L2 v3.0.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | (L2) Ensure 'Enable/Disable PerfTrack' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 v3.0.0 L2 Domain Controller | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | (L2) Ensure 'Enable/Disable PerfTrack' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 v3.0.0 L2 Member Server | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | (L2) Ensure 'Enable/Disable PerfTrack' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Stand-alone v2.0.0 L2 MS | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | (L2) Ensure 'Enable/Disable PerfTrack' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L2 MS | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Enable/Disable PerfTrack' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 L2 MS | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Turn off Preview Pane' is set to 'Enabled' (STIG only) | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 STIG MS | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Turn off Preview Pane' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 STIG MS | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
CIS_MS_SERVER_2012_Level_1_v3.0.0.audit from CIS Security Benchmark For Microsoft Windows Server 2012 MS Level 1 | CIS Windows Server 2012 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | |
DISA_VMware_vSphere_8.0_vCenter_Appliance_Secure_Token_Service_(STS)_STIG_v2r1.audit from DISA VMware vSphere 8.0 vCenter Appliance Secure Token Service (STS) STIG v2r1 | DISA VMware vSphere 8.0 vCenter Appliance Secure Token Service (STS) STIG v2r1 | Unix | |