1.9 Ensure the System is Managed by a Mobile Device Management (MDM) Software | CIS Apple macOS 12.0 Monterey v3.1.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.1.1 Ensure a 'Consent Message' has been 'Configured' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 17 v1.1.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.1.2 Ensure 'Controls when the profile can be removed' is set to 'Always' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 17 v1.1.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.1.2 Ensure 'Controls when the profile can be removed' is set to 'Always' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iPadOS 17 v1.1.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Ensure 'Allow users to accept untrusted TLS certificates' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iPadOS 17 v1.1.0 End User Owned L2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | (L1) Ensure 'Microsoft network server: Server SPN target name validation level' is set to 'Accept if provided by client' or higher (MS only) | CIS Windows Server 2012 R2 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | (L1) Ensure 'Network Security: Allow PKU2U authentication requests to this computer to use online identities' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Windows Server 2012 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | (L1) Ensure 'System objects: Strengthen default permissions of internal system objects (e.g. Symbolic Links)' is set to 'Enabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 DC | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.4.3 Ensure a Custom Message for the Login Screen Is Enabled | CIS Apple macOS 14.0 Sonoma Cloud-tailored v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.4.4 Ensure Login Window Displays as Name and Password Is Enabled | CIS Apple macOS 14.0 Sonoma Cloud-tailored v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.5.3 Ensure Location Services Is Enabled | CIS Apple macOS 12.0 Monterey v3.1.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.5.3 Ensure Location Services Is Enabled | CIS Apple macOS 10.14 v2.0.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.5.9 Ensure an Administrator Password Is Required to Access System-Wide Preferences | CIS Apple macOS 10.15 Catalina v3.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Audit Full Disk Access for Applications | CIS Apple macOS 13.0 Ventura v2.1.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.8.3 Ensure the OS is not Activate When Resuming from Sleep - Intel highstandbythreshold | CIS Apple macOS 10.15 Catalina v3.0.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Ensure the OS Is Not Active When Resuming from Sleep and Display Sleep (Apple Silicon) | CIS Apple macOS 13.0 Ventura v2.1.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Ensure the OS Is Not Active When Resuming from Sleep and Display Sleep (Apple Silicon) | CIS Apple macOS 14.0 Sonoma v1.1.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.10.4 Ensure Login Window Displays as Name and Password Is Enabled | CIS Apple macOS 13.0 Ventura v2.1.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.13 Audit Notification & Focus Settings | CIS Apple macOS 11.0 Big Sur v4.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
2.18.1 Audit Dictation | CIS Apple macOS 13.0 Ventura v2.1.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
3.1.1 Ensure 'Controls when the profile can be removed' is set to 'Never' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iPadOS 17 Institutionally Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Ensure 'Allow Erase All Content and Settings' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 17 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Ensure 'Allow users to accept untrusted TLS certificates' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 17 Institution Owned L2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Ensure 'Allow users to accept untrusted TLS certificates' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iPadOS 17 Institutionally Owned L2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Ensure 'Allow installing configuration profiles' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iPadOS 17 Institutionally Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Ensure 'Force fraud warning' is set to 'Enabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iPadOS 17 Institutionally Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | Ensure 'Accept cookies' is set to 'From websites I visit' or 'From current website only' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iPadOS 17 Institutionally Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
3.2.3 Ensure secure ICMP redirects are not accepted | CIS Bottlerocket L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
5.7 Ensure a Login Window Banner Exists | CIS Apple macOS 14.0 Sonoma Cloud-tailored v1.0.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
5.8 Ensure a Login Window Banner Exists | CIS Apple macOS 14.0 Sonoma v1.1.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
5.8 Ensure the Guest Home Folder Does Not Exist | CIS Apple macOS 13.0 Ventura Cloud-tailored v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
5.8 Ensure the Guest Home Folder Does Not Exist | CIS Apple macOS 14.0 Sonoma Cloud-tailored v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
5.9 Ensure system is set to hibernate - hibernatemode | CIS Apple macOS 10.14 v2.0.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
5.10 Ensure the Guest Home Folder Does Not Exist | CIS Apple macOS 13.0 Ventura v2.1.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
5.10 Require an administrator password to access system-wide preferences | CIS Apple macOS 10.14 v2.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
5.13 Create a Login window banner | CIS Apple macOS 10.14 v2.0.0 L2 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
6.1.1 Ensure Login Window Displays as Name and Password Is Enabled | CIS Apple macOS 10.15 Catalina v3.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
6.1.2 Ensure Show Password Hints Is Disabled | CIS Apple macOS 12.0 Monterey Cloud-tailored v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
6.3.3 Ensure 'user Connections' Database Flag for Cloud Sql Sql Server Instance Is Set to a Non-limiting Value | CIS Google Cloud Platform v3.0.0 L1 | GCP | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
18.4.6 (L1) Ensure 'NetBT NodeType configuration' is set to 'Enabled: P-node (recommended)' | CIS Windows Server 2012 R2 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
18.5.2 (L1) Ensure 'MSS: (DisableIPSourceRouting IPv6) IP source routing protection level (protects against packet spoofing)' is set to 'Enabled: Highest protection, source routing is completely disabled' | CIS Windows Server 2012 R2 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
18.5.5 (L1) Ensure 'MSS: (EnableICMPRedirect) Allow ICMP redirects to override OSPF generated routes' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
18.5.5 (L1) Ensure 'MSS: (EnableICMPRedirect) Allow ICMP redirects to override OSPF generated routes' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 NG | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | (L2) Ensure 'Turn on Mapper I/O (LLTDIO) driver' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Windows Server 2012 R2 MS L2 v3.0.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | (L2) Ensure 'Turn on Responder (RSPNDR) driver' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Windows Server 2012 R2 MS L2 v3.0.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
18.7.1 (L1) Ensure 'Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 DC | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
18.7.1 (L1) Ensure 'Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
18.7.1 (L1) Ensure 'Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 BL | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |
18.7.1 (L1) Ensure 'Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections' is set to 'Disabled' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 NG | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION | (L1) Ensure 'Configure registry policy processing: Do not apply during periodic background processing' is set to 'Enabled: FALSE' | CIS Windows Server 2012 MS L1 v3.0.0 | Windows | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, SYSTEM AND SERVICES ACQUISITION |