1.1 Remove extraneous files and directories - /conf/Catalina/localhost/host-manager.xml | CIS Apache Tomcat 8 L2 v1.1.0 Middleware | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
1.1 Remove extraneous files and directories - /webapps/js-examples | CIS Apache Tomcat 8 L2 v1.1.0 Middleware | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
1.1 Remove extraneous files and directories - CATALINA_CONF/conf/Catalina/localhost/manager.xml | CIS Apache Tomcat 8 L2 v1.1.0 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
1.1 Remove extraneous files and directories - CATALINA_HOME/webapps/examples | CIS Apache Tomcat 8 L2 v1.1.0 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.1.7 Ensure NFS and RPC are not enabled - nfs-server status | CIS Aliyun Linux 2 L1 v1.0.0 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.1.7 Ensure NFS and RPC are not enabled - rpcbind status | CIS Aliyun Linux 2 L1 v1.0.0 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.1.15 Ensure mail transfer agent is configured for local-only mode - status | CIS Aliyun Linux 2 L1 v1.0.0 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.1.19 Ensure tftp server is not enabled - status | CIS Aliyun Linux 2 L1 v1.0.0 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow voice dialing while device is locked' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow Siri while device is locked' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow Siri while device is locked' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow managed apps to store data in iCloud' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow documents from unmanaged sources in managed destinations' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow documents from unmanaged sources in managed destinations' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow Handoff' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 End User Owned L2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow Handoff' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 End User Owned L2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.2.8 Ensure NFS and RPC are not enabled - nfs | CIS Amazon Linux 2 STIG v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.2.8 Ensure NFS and RPC are not enabled - nfs-server | CIS Amazon Linux 2 STIG v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.2.13 Ensure Samba is not enabled | CIS Amazon Linux 2 STIG v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.2.19 Ensure rsh server is not enabled - rexec.socket | CIS Amazon Linux 2 STIG v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.2.22 Ensure rsync service is not enabled | CIS Amazon Linux 2 STIG v1.0.0 L1 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.2.30 Ensure NFS is configured to use RPCSEC_GSS. | CIS Amazon Linux 2 STIG v1.0.0 L3 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.4.8 Disable File Sharing - AppleFileServer | CIS Apple macOS 10.13 L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.6.1 Ensure 'Allow user to move messages from this account' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 End User Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow Siri while device is locked' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow iCloud documents & data' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow iCloud documents & data' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow iCloud documents & data' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow iCloud Keychain' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow iCloud Keychain' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow managed apps to store data in iCloud' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow installing configuration profiles' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow installing configuration profiles' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow installing configuration profiles' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow pairing with non-Configurator hosts' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow documents from managed sources in unmanaged destinations' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow pairing with non-Configurator hosts' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L2 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow documents from managed sources in unmanaged destinations' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow documents from unmanaged sources in managed destinations' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow documents from managed sources in unmanaged destinations' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow Handoff' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow Handoff' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow Handoff' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Show Notification Center in Lock screen' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 10 v2.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow setting up new nearby devices' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Allow setting up new nearby devices' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Show Notification Center in Lock screen' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Show Notification Center in Lock screen' is set to 'Disabled' | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT | Ensure 'Show Notification Center in Lock screen' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 12 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
3.4.1 Ensure 'Allow simple value' is set to 'Disabled' | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 11 v1.0.0 Institution Owned L1 | MDM | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |