GEN001460 - All interactive user home directories defined in the /etc/passwd file must exist. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN001500 - All interactive user home directories must be owned by their respective users. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN001540 - All files and directories contained in interactive user home directories must be owned by the home directorys owner. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN001550 - All files and directories contained in user home directories must be group-owned by a group of which the home directorys owner is a member. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN002300 - Device files used for backup must only be readable and/or writable by root or the backup user. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN002340 - Audio devices must be owned by root - '/dev/snd/*' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN002520 - All public directories must be owned by root or an application account. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN003581 - Network interfaces must not be configured to allow user control. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN004480 - The SMTP service log file must be owned by root. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN004500 - The SMTP service log file must have mode 0644 or less permissive. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN004900 - The ftpusers file must contain account names not allowed to use FTP. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN004920 - The ftpusers file must be owned by root - '/etc/ftpusers' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN004930 - The ftpusers file must be group-owned by root, bin, sys, or system - '/etc/vsftpd/ftpusers' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN004940 - The ftpusers file must have mode 0640 or less permissive - '/etc/vsftpd/ftpusers' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN004950 - The ftpusers file must not have an extended ACL - '/etc/vsftpd/ftpusers' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN005040 - All FTP users must have a default umask of 077 - '/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf local_umask' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN005190 - The .Xauthority files must not have extended ACLs. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN005320 - The snmpd.conf file must have mode 0600 or less permissive. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN005365 - The snmpd.conf file must be group-owned by root, bin, sys, or system. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN005395 - The /etc/syslog.conf file must not have an extended ACL - /etc/rsyslog.conf | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN005395 - The /etc/syslog.conf file must not have an extended ACL - /etc/syslog.conf | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN005400 - The /etc/syslog.conf file must be owned by root. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN005521 - The SSH daemon must restrict login ability to specific users and/or groups. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN005810 - All Network File System (NFS) exported system files and system directories must be group-owned by root, bin, sys, or system. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
GEN006100 - The /etc/smb.conf file must be owned by root. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006120 - The /etc/smb.conf file must be group-owned by root, bin, sys, or system. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006150 - The /etc/smb.conf file must not have an extended ACL. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006160 - The /etc/smbpasswd file must be owned by root - '/etc/samba.secrets.tdb' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006180 - The smbpasswd file must be group-owned by root - '/etc/samba/secrets.tdb' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006200 - The smbpasswd file must have mode 0600 or less permissive - '/etc/samba/passdb.tdb' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006210 - The /etc/smbpasswd file must not have an extended ACL - '/etc/samba/passdb.tdb' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006260 - The /etc/news/incoming.conf (or equivalent) must have mode 0600 or less permissive - or equivalent must have mode 0600 or less permissive | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006270 - The /etc/news/incoming.conf file must not have an extended ACL. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006290 - The /etc/news/hosts.nntp.nolimit file must not have an extended ACL. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006330 - The /etc/news/passwd.nntp file must not have an extended ACL. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN006340 - Files in /etc/news must be owned by root or news. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008060 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information the /etc/ldap.conf (or equivalent) file must have mode 0644 or less permissive. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008100 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the /etc/ldap.conf (or equivalent) file must be group-owned by root, bin, sys, or system. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008120 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the /etc/ldap.conf (or equivalent) file must not have an extended ACL - or equivalent file must not have an extended ACL. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008140 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the TLS certificate authority file and/or directory (as appropriate) must be owned by root - '/etc/ssl/' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008140 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the TLS certificate authority file and/or directory (as appropriate) must be owned by root - '/etc/ssl/certs' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008160 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the TLS certificate authority file and/or directory (as appropriate) must be group-owned by root, bin, sys, or system - /etc/ssl/ca.cert | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008180 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the TLS certificate authority file and/or directory (as appropriate) must have mode 0644 (0755 for directories) or less permissive - '/etc/ssl/' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008200 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the LDAP TLS certificate authority file and/or directory (as appropriate) must not have an extended ACL - as appropriate must not have an extended ACL. | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008240 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the LDAP TLS certificate file must be group-owned by root, bin, sys, or system - '/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert.pem' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008260 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the LDAP TLS certificate file must have mode 0644 or less permissive - '/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert.pem' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008280 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the LDAP TLS certificate file must not have an extended ACL - '/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert.pem' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008300 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the LDAP TLS key file must be owned by root - '/etc/openldap/cacerts/key.pem' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008340 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the LDAP TLS key file must have mode 0600 or less permissive - '/etc/openldap/cacerts/key.pem' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
GEN008360 - If the system is using LDAP for authentication or account information, the LDAP TLS key file must not have an extended ACL - '/etc/openldap/cacerts/key.pem' | DISA STIG for Oracle Linux 5 v2r1 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |