2.2.3 (L1) Ensure 'Act as part of the operating system' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Stand-alone v2.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.4 (L1) Ensure 'Act as part of the operating system' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.6 (L1) Ensure 'Adjust memory quotas for a process' is set to 'Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.6 (L1) Ensure 'Adjust memory quotas for a process' is set to 'Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.7 (L1) Ensure 'Allow log on locally' is set to 'Administrators, ENTERPRISE DOMAIN CONTROLLERS' (DC only) | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.7 (L1) Ensure 'Back up files and directories' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Stand-alone v2.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.7 Ensure 'Allow log on locally' is set to 'Administrators, ENTERPRISE DOMAIN CONTROLLERS' (DC only) | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 STIG MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.10 (L1) Ensure 'Create a pagefile' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Stand-alone v2.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.11 (L1) Ensure 'Create a token object' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Stand-alone v2.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.14 (L1) Ensure 'Create a pagefile' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.16 (L1) Ensure 'Create global objects' is set to 'Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE, SERVICE' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.16 (L1) Ensure 'Deny access to this computer from the network' to include 'Guests' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Stand-alone v2.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.16 Ensure 'Create permanent shared objects' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 STIG MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.18 (L1) Ensure 'Create symbolic links' is set to 'Administrators' (DC only) | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.19 (L1) Ensure 'Deny log on locally' to include 'Guests' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.22 (L1) Ensure 'Deny access to this computer from the network' to include 'Guests, Local account and member of Administrators group' (MS only) | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.23 (L1) Ensure 'Deny log on as a batch job' to include 'Guests' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.24 (L1) Ensure 'Impersonate a client after authentication' is set to 'Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE, SERVICE' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.27 (L1) Ensure 'Lock pages in memory' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Stand-alone v2.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.27 (L1) Ensure 'Lock pages in memory' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.32 (L1) Ensure 'Impersonate a client after authentication' is set to 'Administrators, LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE, SERVICE' (DC only) | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.32 (L1) Ensure 'Modify firmware environment values' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone v3.0.0 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.34 (L1) Ensure 'Increase scheduling priority' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.35 (L1) Ensure 'Load and unload device drivers' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.39 (L1) Ensure 'Manage auditing and security log' is set to 'Administrators' (MS only) | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.41 (L1) Ensure 'Modify firmware environment values' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.43 (L1) Ensure 'Profile single process' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.44 (L1) Ensure 'Profile system performance' is set to 'Administrators, NT SERVICE\WdiServiceHost' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.45 (L1) Ensure 'Replace a process level token' is set to 'LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 v3.0.0 L1 DC | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.45 Ensure 'Manage auditing and security log' is set to 'Administrators' (MS only) | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 STIG MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
2.2.47 (L1) Ensure 'Shut down the system' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 MS | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
5.1.9 Minimize access to create persistent volumes | CIS Kubernetes v1.10.0 L1 Master | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
5.1.13 Minimize access to the service account token creation | CIS Kubernetes v1.10.0 L1 Master | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
8.5.3 Ensure only people in my org can bypass the lobby | CIS Microsoft 365 Foundations E3 L1 v3.1.0 | microsoft_azure | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.3 (L1) Ensure 'Act As Part Of The Operating System' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.4 (L1) Ensure 'Allow Local Log On' is set to 'Administrators, Users' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.4 (L1) Ensure 'Allow Local Log On' is set to 'Administrators, Users' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.8 (L1) Ensure 'Create Page File' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.9 (L1) Ensure 'Create Permanent Shared Objects' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.10 (L1) Configure 'Create Symbolic Links' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.11 (L1) Ensure 'Create Token' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.13 (L1) Ensure 'Deny Access From Network' to include 'Guests, Local account' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.14 (L1) Ensure 'Deny Local Log On' to include 'Guests' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.16 (L1) Ensure 'Enable Delegation' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.23 (L1) Ensure 'Manage Volume' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.25 (L1) Ensure 'Modify Object Label' is set to 'No One' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.26 (L1) Ensure 'Profile Single Process' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.28 (L1) Ensure 'Restore Files And Directories' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.29 (L1) Ensure 'Take Ownership' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 10 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
74.29 (L1) Ensure 'Take Ownership' is set to 'Administrators' | CIS Microsoft Intune for Windows 11 v3.0.1 L1 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL, AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |