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NameAudit NamePluginCategory
DG0003-ORACLE11 - The latest security patches should be installed.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DG0013-ORACLE11 - Database backup procedures should be defined, documented and implemented.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0020-ORACLE11 - Backup and recovery procedures should be developed, documented, implemented and periodically tested.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DG0025-ORACLE11 - DBMS cryptography must be NIST FIPS 140-2 validated.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0031-ORACLE11 - Transaction logs should be periodically reviewed for unauthorized modification of data.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DG0032-ORACLE11 - Audit records should be restricted to authorized individuals - 'audit_trail = db or db_extended'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DG0041-ORACLE11 - Use of the DBMS installation account should be logged.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DG0053-ORACLE11 - A single database connection configuration file should not be used to configure all database clients.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0064-ORACLE11 - DBMS backup and restoration files should be protected from unauthorized access.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DG0064-ORACLE11 - DBMS backup and restoration files should be protected from unauthorized access.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0066-ORACLE11 - Procedures for establishing temporary passwords that meet DoD password requirements for new accounts should be defined, documented and implemented.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0068-ORACLE11 - DBMS tools or applications that echo or require a password entry in clear text should be protected from password display.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DG0071-ORACLE11 - New passwords must be required to differ from old passwords by more than four characters - 'PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION is not set to NULL or DEFAULT'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DG0078-ORACLE11 - Each database user, application or process should have an individually assigned account.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DG0092-ORACLE11 - Database data files containing sensitive information should be encrypted.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0101-ORACLE11 - OS accounts used to execute external procedures should be assigned minimum privileges.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0106-ORACLE11 - Database data encryption controls should be configured in accordance with application requirements.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0107-ORACLE11 - Sensitive data is stored in the database and should be identified in the System Security Plan and AIS Functional Architecture documentation.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0107-ORACLE11 - Sensitive data is stored in the database and should be identified in the System Security Plan and AIS Functional Architecture documentation.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DG0135-ORACLE11 - Users should be alerted upon login of previous successful connections or unsuccessful attempts to access their account.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DG0140-ORACLE11 - Access to DBMS security data should be audited.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DG0140-ORACLE11 - Access to DBMS security data should be audited.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0142-ORACLE11 - Changes to configuration options must be audited - 'audit_sys_operations = true'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DG0146-ORACLE11 - Audit records should include the reason for blacklisting or disabling DBMS connections or accounts.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DG0157-ORACLE11 - Remote DBMS administration should be documented and authorized or disabled.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0158-ORACLE11 - DBMS remote administration should be audited.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0158-ORACLE11 - DBMS remote administration should be audited.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DG0159-ORACLE11 - Remote administrative access to the database should be monitored by the IAO or IAM.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0161-ORACLE11 - An automated tool that monitors audit data and immediately reports suspicious activity should be employed for the DBMS.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0166-ORACLE11 - Asymmetric keys should use DoD PKI Certificates and be protected in accordance with NIST (unclassified data) or NSA (classified data) approved key management and processes.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DG0171-ORACLE11 - The DBMS should not have a connection defined to access or be accessed by a DBMS at a different classification level.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 LinuxUnix
DG0175-ORACLE11 - The DBMS host platform and other dependent applications should be configured in compliance with applicable STIG requirements.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DG0198-ORACLE11 - Remote administration of the DBMS should be restricted to known, dedicated and encrypted network addresses and ports.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 WindowsWindows
DO0210-ORACLE11 - Access to default accounts used to support replication should be restricted to authorized DBAs - 'sys.dba_repcatlog count = 0'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DO0233-ORACLE11 - The /diag subdirectory under the directory assigned to the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter must be protected from unauthorized access.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DO0234-ORACLE11 - The directory assigned to the AUDIT_FILE_DEST parameter should be protected from unauthorized access - 'audit_file_dest parameter is configured'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DO0238-ORACLE11 - The directories assigned to the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST* parameters should be protected from unauthorized access - 'log_archive_dest parameter is configured'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DO0238-ORACLE11 - The directories assigned to the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST* parameters should be protected from unauthorized access - 'log_archive_dest_n parameter is configured'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DO3451-ORACLE11 - The Oracle WITH GRANT OPTION privilege should not be granted to non-DBA or non-Application administrator user accounts - 'No accounts with grant option exist'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DO3540-ORACLE11 - The Oracle SQL92_SECURITY parameter should be set to TRUE - 'sql92_security = true'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DO6748-ORACLE11 - Case sensitivity for passwords should be enabled - 'sec_case_sensitive_logon = true'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DO6749-ORACLE11 - The Oracle SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS parameter should be set to an ISSO-approved value between 1 and 3 - 'sec_max_failed_login_attempts < 3'DISA STIG Oracle 11 Instance v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
DO6752-ORACLE11 - The Oracle SEC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_TRACE_ACTION parameter should not be set to NONE.DISA STIG Oracle 11 Installation v9r1 DatabaseOracleDB
WA000-WWA020 A22 - The Timeout directive must be properly set.DISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 MiddlewareUnix
WA000-WWA022 A22 - The KeepAlive directive must be enabled.DISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 MiddlewareUnix
WA000-WWA024 A22 - The KeepAliveTimeout directive must be defined.DISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 MiddlewareUnix
WA000-WWA028 A22 - The httpd.conf MinSpareServers directive must be set properly.DISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 MiddlewareUnix
WA000-WWA050 A22 - All interactive programs must be placed in a designated directory with appropriate permissions - printenvDISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 MiddlewareUnix
WA000-WWA050 A22 - All interactive programs must be placed in a designated directory with appropriate permissions - test-cgiDISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 MiddlewareUnix
WA000-WWA064 A22 - The HTTP request header field size must be limited.DISA STIG Apache Server 2.2 Unix v1r11 MiddlewareUnix