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NameAudit NamePluginCategory
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - DisableBluetoothDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r7Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - DisableBluetoothDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r3Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - DisableBluetoothDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r4Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - DisabledPreferencesPanesDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r4Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - DisabledPreferencesPanesDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r7Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - DisabledPreferencesPanesDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 V1R2Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - DisabledPreferencesPanesDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r5Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - DisabledPreferencesPanesDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r3Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - HiddenPreferencePanesDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 V1R2Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - HiddenPreferencePanesDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r4Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - HiddenPreferencePanesDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r7Unix
APPL-12-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - HiddenPreferencePanesDISA STIG Apple macOS 12 v1r3Unix
APPL-13-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization - DisableBluetoothDISA STIG Apple macOS 13 v1r1Unix
APPL-13-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization.DISA STIG Apple macOS 13 v1r3Unix
APPL-13-002062 - The macOS system must be configured with Bluetooth turned off unless approved by the organization.DISA STIG Apple macOS 13 v1r2Unix
RHEL-09-672030 - RHEL 9 must implement DOD-approved TLS encryption in the GnuTLS package.DISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 STIG v1r1Unix
RHEL-09-672030 - RHEL 9 must implement DOD-approved TLS encryption in the GnuTLS package.DISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 STIG v1r3Unix
RHEL-09-672030 - RHEL 9 must implement DOD-approved TLS encryption in the GnuTLS package.DISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 STIG v1r2Unix
RHEL-09-672050 - RHEL 9 must implement DOD-approved encryption in the bind package.DISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 STIG v1r1Unix
RHEL-09-672050 - RHEL 9 must implement DOD-approved encryption in the bind package.DISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 STIG v1r2Unix
RHEL-09-672050 - RHEL 9 must implement DOD-approved encryption in the bind package.DISA Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 STIG v1r3Unix
VCEM-67-000004 - ESX Agent Manager must protect cookies from XSS.DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 EAM Tomcat v1r2Unix
VCPF-67-000004 - Performance Charts must protect cookies from cross-site scripting (XSS).DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 Perfcharts Tomcat v1r1Unix
VCPF-67-000004 - Performance Charts must protect cookies from cross-site scripting (XSS).DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 Perfcharts Tomcat v1r2Unix
VCUI-67-000004 - vSphere UI must protect cookies from XSS.DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 UI Tomcat v1r2Unix
VCUI-67-000004 - vSphere UI must protect cookies from XSS.DISA STIG VMware vSphere 6.7 UI Tomcat v1r1Unix
WN11-SO-000035 - Outgoing secure channel traffic must be encrypted or signed.DISA Windows 11 STIG v1r6Windows
WN11-SO-000035 - Outgoing secure channel traffic must be encrypted or signed.DISA Windows 11 STIG v1r2Windows
WN11-SO-000035 - Outgoing secure channel traffic must be encrypted or signed.DISA Windows 11 STIG v1r5Windows
WN11-SO-000040 - Outgoing secure channel traffic must be encrypted.DISA Windows 11 STIG v1r4Windows
WN11-SO-000040 - Outgoing secure channel traffic must be encrypted.DISA Windows 11 STIG v1r6Windows
WN11-SO-000045 - Outgoing secure channel traffic must be signed.DISA Windows 11 STIG v1r4Windows
WN11-SO-000045 - Outgoing secure channel traffic must be signed.DISA Windows 11 STIG v1r5Windows
WN11-SO-000045 - Outgoing secure channel traffic must be signed.DISA Windows 11 STIG v1r2Windows
WN22-DC-000320 - Windows Server 2022 domain controllers must require LDAP access signing.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r3Windows
WN22-DC-000320 - Windows Server 2022 domain controllers must require LDAP access signing.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r4Windows
WN22-DC-000320 - Windows Server 2022 domain controllers must require LDAP access signing.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r1Windows
WN22-SO-000060 - Windows Server 2022 setting Domain member: Digitally encrypt or sign secure channel data (always) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r1Windows
WN22-SO-000060 - Windows Server 2022 setting Domain member: Digitally encrypt or sign secure channel data (always) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r3Windows
WN22-SO-000070 - Windows Server 2022 setting Domain member: Digitally encrypt secure channel data (when possible) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r1Windows
WN22-SO-000080 - Windows Server 2022 setting Domain member: Digitally sign secure channel data (when possible) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r1Windows
WN22-SO-000110 - Windows Server 2022 must be configured to require a strong session key.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r5Windows
WN22-SO-000110 - Windows Server 2022 must be configured to require a strong session key.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r3Windows
WN22-SO-000110 - Windows Server 2022 must be configured to require a strong session key.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r4Windows
WN22-SO-000160 - Windows Server 2022 setting Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r4Windows
WN22-SO-000170 - Windows Server 2022 setting Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (if server agrees) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r1Windows
WN22-SO-000190 - Windows Server 2022 setting Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r1Windows
WN22-SO-000190 - Windows Server 2022 setting Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r3Windows
WN22-SO-000200 - Windows Server 2022 setting Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (if client agrees) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r5Windows
WN22-SO-000200 - Windows Server 2022 setting Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (if client agrees) must be configured to Enabled.DISA Windows Server 2022 STIG v1r1Windows