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NameAudit NamePluginCategory
1.7.6 - Miscellaneous Enhancements - crontab permissions - '/usr/lib/ras/dumpcheck 755'CIS AIX 5.3/6.1 L1 v1.1.0Unix
2.1 Secure the DB2 Runtime LibraryCIS IBM DB2 9 Benchmark v3.0.1 Level 1 OS WindowsWindows
2.2 Secure the database container directoryCIS IBM DB2 v10 v1.1.0 Linux OS Level 2Unix
2.2 Secure the database container directoryCIS IBM DB2 9 Benchmark v3.0.1 Level 1 OS LinuxUnix
2.3.2 RedHat bind-chroot Rpm '/var/named/chroot/var/log'CIS ISC BIND 9.0/9.5 v2.0.0Unix
2.4.9 - CDE - /etc/dt/config/*/Xresources permissions and ownership - '/etc/dt/config/*/Xresources root:sys 444'CIS AIX 5.3/6.1 L1 v1.1.0Unix
2.11.15 - Permissions and Ownership - '/var/tmp/hostmibd.log root:system 640'CIS AIX 5.3/6.1 L1 v1.1.0Unix
3.1.6 Secure permission of default database locationCIS IBM DB2 OS L1 v1.2.0Unix
3.1.12 Enable instance health monitoringCIS IBM DB2 9 Benchmark v3.0.1 Level 1 DBIBM_DB2DB
3.1.12 Enable instance health monitoringCIS IBM DB2 9 Benchmark v3.0.1 Level 2 DBIBM_DB2DB
3.1.13 Retain fenced model processesCIS IBM DB2 9 Benchmark v3.0.1 Level 1 DBIBM_DB2DB
3.1.18 Secure permissions for the secondary archive log location - LOGARCHMETH2 OS PermissionCIS IBM DB2 v10 v1.1.0 Linux OS Level 2Unix
3.1.20 Secure permissions for the log mirror location - MIRROLOGPATH OS PermissionCIS IBM DB2 v10 v1.1.0 Linux OS Level 1Unix
3.2.1 TCP/IP service name - svcenameCIS IBM DB2 v10 v1.1.0 Database Level 2IBM_DB2DB
3.3.6 Secure the JDK 64-bit runtime library - FILE_PERMISSIONSCIS IBM DB2 9 Benchmark v3.0.1 Level 2 OS WindowsWindows
3.5 Control access to audit records - /etc/security/audit_controlCIS Apple macOS 10.13 L1 v1.1.0Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc2.d/.NOS42ncakmod exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc2.d/.NOS71rpc exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc2.d/.NOS74autofs exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc2.d/.NOS89PRESERVE exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc2.d/.NOS92volmgt exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc2.d/.NOS93cacheos.finish exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc2.d/.NOS96ab2mgr exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc2.d/.NOS99dtlogin exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc3.d/.NOS15nfs.server exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc3.d/.NOS50apache exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc3.d/.NOS77dmi exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.6 Disable other standard boot services - Ensure file /etc/rc3.d/.NOS80mipagent exists.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
3.06 spfile.ora - 'Verify and restrict permissions'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS L1Unix
3.07 Database datafiles - 'Verify and restrict permissions'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1Windows
3.10 init.ora - 'diagonostic_dest parameter settings'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1Windows
3.14 sqlnet.ora - 'Verify and set permissions with read permissions for everyone'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS L1Unix
3.18 sqlnet.ora - 'trace_directory_server parameter settings'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS L1Unix
3.20 listener.ora - 'log_file_listener parameter settings'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS L1Unix
3.21 listener.ora - 'trace_directory_listener_name parameter settings'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1Windows
3.22 listener.ora - 'trace_file_listener_name parameter settings'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS L1Unix
3.23 sqlplus - 'Verify and set permissions'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS L1Unix
3.24 .htaccess - 'Verify and set permissions'CIS v1.1.0 Oracle 11g OS Windows Level 1Windows
5.2 Turn on additional logging for FTP daemon, Ensure file permissions for /etc/inet/inetd.conf are OK.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
5.9 Confirm permissions on system log files, should pass if /var/adm/wtmpx permissions are OK.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
7.5 Change Home Directory for root Account - Check /root permissions.CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2Unix
7.7 Prevent X server from listening on port 6000/tcp, Check if file permissions for /etc/dt/config/Xservers are OK (Solaris 9)CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
7.11 Restrict root logins to system console, Check if file permissions for /etc/default/login are OK.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
8.11 Set default umask for users, Check if file permissions for /etc/default/login are OK.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
9.3 Create warnings for telnet daemon, Check if permissions for /etc/default/telnetd are OK.CIS Solaris 9 v1.3Unix
9.6 Secure the permission of the IBMLDAPSecurity.ini fileCIS IBM DB2 v10 v1.1.0 Linux OS Level 2Unix
9.7 Secure the permission of the SSLconfig.ini fileCIS IBM DB2 v10 v1.1.0 Windows OS Level 2Windows
9.11 Ensure permissions on communication exit library locationsCIS IBM DB2 v10 v1.1.0 Windows OS Level 1Windows
11.2 Samba: Set Secure Permissions on smb.conf FileCIS Solaris 10 L2 v5.2Unix
11.6 Samba: Set Secure smb.conf File Options - groupCIS Solaris 10 L2 v5.2Unix